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金沂蒙集团有限公司是一家集生产煤化工、有机化工、生物化工、医药化工及支农化工产业等为一体的大型民营企业集团。前身是1973年筹建、1975年建成投产的临沭县化肥厂。公司旗下有金沂蒙生物科技公司、江苏金茂源生物化工公司、金沂蒙生态肥业公司、金沂蒙医药产业园等多元企业。企业主营业务为醋酸酯类、有机醛类、有机酸类、发酵醇类、医药中间体、生态复合肥等产品的研究、生产、销售。先后承担了国家科技计划10多项,荣获国家、省、市科技进步奖30多次,累计申请专利70余项,授权发明及实用新型专利50余项。参与起草了《工业乙酸乙酯》、《复混肥料中缩二脲含量的测定》等五项国家标准。 Gold Yimeng Group Co., Ltd. is a large-scale private enterprise group that integrates the production of coal chemical industry, organic chemical industry, biological chemical industry, pharmaceutical chemical industry and agro-chemical industry. The predecessor was built in 1973, put into operation in 1975 Linshu fertilizer plant. The company’s Kim Yimeng biotechnology companies, Jiangsu Jinmao source of bio-chemical companies, Kim Yimeng ecological fertilizer companies, Kim Yimeng Medicine Industrial Park, and other diversified businesses. Enterprises main business for the acetate, organic aldehydes, organic acids, fermented alcohols, pharmaceutical intermediates, eco-compound fertilizer and other products research, production and sales. Has undertaken more than 10 national science and technology plan, won the national, provincial and municipal science and technology progress award more than 30 times, a total of more than 70 patents, authorized invention and utility model patents more than 50 items. Participated in the drafting of “industrial ethyl acetate”, “compound fertilizer biuret content determination” five national standards.
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我是《语文教学通讯》的老订户、老读者,《语文教学通讯》是我的老朋友。它催我边教边学,在教中求知;它促我赶时代潮流,求教材、教法革新。一、它急教学所急,实用价值大。 1
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巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)旗下子公司Petroqui.mica Suape位于巴西的新建聚酯生产装置的投产时间将推迟至今年二季度末。公司原计划今年初(1月份)开启新建的两条22.5万t/a
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