改造升级企业谈 高效改造 创新多赢

来源 :纺织机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqccc01
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《纺织机械》:作为印染装备技术企业,您觉得当前印染企业在用装备技术的状况如何?企业在装备改造升级上的重点是什么?陈丽洁:当前印染企业装备水平普遍不高,尤其是对环保、节能以及智能化方面意识不足,有意识的企业又缺少权威机构公正的指导,认识有偏差。虽然随着市场的推动会往正确的方向发展,但会造成新一轮的浪费。我认为装备方面改造升级的重点首先一步是各印染企业先从源头抓起,源头就是各企业的能源三级计量;其次 “Textile Machinery”: As a printing and dyeing equipment technology company, you think the current printing and dyeing enterprises in the use of equipment and how the status of? Enterprises in the equipment upgrading and upgrading of what is the point? Chen Lijie: The current printing and dyeing enterprises generally low level of equipment, especially for environmental protection , Energy conservation and lack of awareness of the smart, conscious enterprises lack the impartial guidance of the authority, awareness of bias. Although the promotion of the market will move in the right direction, it will create a new round of waste. I think the first step is to focus on the transformation and upgrading of equipment, the first step in the printing and dyeing enterprises start from the source, the source is the three energy metering companies; followed
一、下列各句中加点的词,是句子的什么成分?请仔细思考,然后将正确选项填入表中。 1、她天天坐在窗口做针线。选项有:①是谓语;②是补语;③是状语;④是主语。 2、第比利斯的
Invited by Taiwan“Shen Chun-chy Culture and Education Fund”,“the Imposing Murals of Yongle Palace of Shanxi”was shown at the Yat-sen Gallery of the National D
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