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  Abstract: Claggart in Billy Budd, Sailor is generally regarded as an evil. However, nothing can be judged just by one side. The real changeable nature of Claggart demonstrates that there is no absolute innocence and evil. Claggart possesses the similar innocence as Billy Budd, and has the human side instead of being the symbol of evil
  Key words: Herman Melville; Billy Budd, Sailor; Innocence; Truth
  Billy Budd, Sailor is Herman Melville’s most read work after Moby Dick. It is generally believed that Billy represents innocence in the novel, while the older and higher-ranked Claggart represents evil. However, Claggart exhibits a great understanding of deception and ambiguity. The changeable nature of Claggart and the inter-changeable innocence and nature between Billy Budd and Claggart demonstrate that there is no absolute innocence and evil.
  In the novel, Claggart seems to give himself away early for all the narrator’s talk of Claggart as evil embodied. When Claggart is recounting all the rumors about the master-at-arms, he reigns them in by noting that “sailor as much as landsmen: they are apt to exaggerate or romance it”. In chapter30, the narrator tells readers that a few weeks after Claggart’s death and Billy’s execution, news of the incident appears in a naval chronicle. The report describes the supposed conspiracy led by “one William Budd”who turned upon his accuser, Claggart, and “vindictively stabbed him in the heart.”. A general editorial follows this information, eulogizing the innocent Claggart and condemning the villainous Budd. The narrator notes that this report is the only surviving official record of the incident or of the respective characters of John Claggart and Billy Budd. Why does Melville write it in this way? Who is really innocent? Who is evil? What is truth? Is the above news rumor? All these questions are worth of being explored. Through the “News from the Mediterranean”[4], Melville tries to warn readers to keep calm and have a good awareness of innocence, evil, truth and lie.
  Besides, the narrator is realistic when trying to explain Claggart’s hatred. He appeals to just how common such feelings are: “For what can partake of the mysterious than an antipathy spontaneous and profound such as is evoked in certain exceptional mortals by the mere aspect of some other mortal, however harmless he may be, if not called forth by this very harmlessness itself”.In the novel, Claggart watches Billy Budd promenading with other sailors on the deck: “Claggart’s eyes glance would follow the cheerful sea Hyperion with a …melancholy expression, his eyes strangely infused with incipient tears. Then would Claggart look like the man of sorrows….as if Claggart could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.”The man of sorrows allusion connects Claggart to an important passages in Moby Dick: “The truest of all men is the Man of Sorrows.”“Innocence and guilt are interchangeable depending on the perspective of one’s time and place.”The narrator is trying to render Claggart’s hatred normal and understandable.   What’s more, according to one of the narrator’s hypotheses, the root of Claggart’s hatred is actually incredibly petty. He’s simply jealous of Billy’s “significant personal beauty”. The narrator notes what an embarrassing sin jealousy is when he asks, “Well, though many an arraigned mortal has in hopes of mitigated penalty pleaded guilty to horrible actions, did ever anybody seriously confess to envy?”[10] The way he depicts things in this version is that Claggart is so ashamed of his envy that he tries to hide it from himself. The result is that his envy festers like a sore and turns into something much worse: uncontrollable, incomprehensible hatred. Yet the root remains petty jealousy. It’s an entirely human fault, but one that gets blown out of all proportion in the case of Claggart. Nowhere is John Claggart more sympathetic than the moment the narrator tells us that as he passes Billy his eyes are strangely filled with tears. The narrator presents Claggart’s soft yearning and love for Billy Budd.
  In Billy Budd, Sailor, we get a glimpse of Claggart as a man in the grips of a hatred that he himself doesn’t understand. In a way, it is the idea that Claggart is possessed, that he’s not entirely in control of his actions. Though he is about to do something terrible, Claggart impresses readers as a real human being, someone we can understand and to whom we can relate in our daily life, because there is no absolute innocence and evil in the world. No one is perfect and it is normal and understandable to have such petty jealousy like Claggart’s. It is a general phenomenon. We should not attribute all the faults to Claggart.
  Nowadays we are talking about building a harmonious world and society, about harmony between nations, races, man and nature, man and man, and about avoiding war and ethnic fraction. In order to reach such goals, we are supposed to have clear awareness of truth and lie, justice and prejudice, innocence and evil from a dimensional and comprehensive point of view.
  Works Cited:
  [1]Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor[ Z ] . London : Penguin Books Ltd . , 1995
  [2]Coffler, Gail. “Religion, myth, and meaning in the art of Billy Budd, Sailor.” New Essays on Billy Budd[C]. Ed.Donald Yannella. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002
  [3]Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1994
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摘 要:黑米又名紫米,具有较高的营养价值。通过正交试验确定黑米酒最佳发酵条件为:发酵温度30摄氏度,酒曲量1.5%,发酵时间120h。在此条件下,制得的黑米酒色泽鲜亮,呈玫瑰红色,口味甜而醇厚,酒体协调,是具有黑米香气的低度酒。  关键词:黑米;米酒;功效  1 黑米酒的营养价值  1.1黑米,含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、B族维生素、维生素E、钙、磷、钾、镁、铁、锌等营养元素,营养丰富。  1.2
摘 要:以花喻人,佩花言志,源远流长,作为文人精神的一种依托,芙蓉花承载着很多美丽的向往。本文就芙蓉花在诗歌中的意象进行解析,理解诗歌中的意象是赏析诗歌的关键。  关键词:诗歌;意象;芙蓉花  以花喻人,佩花言志,源远流长,似乎是中国文人的传统,梅花、荷花、梨花、海棠、牡丹、桂花、菊花、杏花、丁香等都成了其饱含深意的抒情意象。室有兰自香,人似花自馨,作为文人主观情志的依托,花草的意象表现出丰富而复
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他的作品,能读到生活对心灵的撞击,能体味他对摄影艺术的痴迷,能感悟缤纷多彩的大千世界,进而品味生活的万千滋味。  他常说:历史的长河沐浴着人们,瞬间的变化五彩缤纷,大自然的恩德映照心灵。人生因美丽的生活而精彩,人生也因记录美丽而充实。  记录历史,回忆历史,留住自己。  直面人生,用第三只眼睛记录社会,用生动的画面图现身边的故事。人的心灵,人的情感,会因这美丽的瞬间而沉醉、而感动。这是他的初衷,也
摘 要:在上世纪60年代,刘三姐震撼中国,风靡东南亚。鲜明的民族形象,比兴民歌手法的继承,传统夸张、对仗、重词复句运用的创新,喜剧情节、诗歌韵味的典范,形成其文学剧本的艺术精华;彩调、桂剧、京剧的完美结合,山歌融入戏剧的首创,多种民间舞蹈的荟萃,打击乐器的巧用,电影艺术的升华,凝成其表现艺术的结晶。展现壮民族的优美形象,吻合人民大众的艺术审美共性,共鸣超时空、跨民族的人性情感,是其永恒的灵魂。  
摘 要:自从叙事文体挣脱了限定于传统文学文本的桎梏,被重新认定“一种特定的媒介,诸如语言、形象、声音、影像、建筑艺术,叙事的视听实现成为新的问题,人们开始了对视听叙事文本的深入研究。”《鲁豫有约》叙事型电视谈话节目作为以讲故事来结构整个节目的一种电视谈话节目类型,故事的选择、尤其是讲故事的技能几乎决定了整个节目的成败,而这正是叙事艺术研究要解决的问题。  关键词:《鲁豫有约》;叙事;电视谈话节目;