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中俄联合军事演习是两国长期合作成果在军事领域里的集中体现。两军军事专家组先后经过5次磋商,形成共识;共同着眼应对传统安全威胁与非传统安全威胁相兼的新挑战,设计联演课目。联合军演主要从战略、战役、战术3个层面,分3个阶段组织实施。演习第一阶段着重体现两军的政治磋商,通过战略筹划,定下联合使用军事力量的决心。演习第二阶段突出表现两军实施军事力量的投送与展开,根据战场情况的变化调整战役决心、制定作战计划、组织战役协同。演习第三阶段通过海上封锁作战、两栖登陆作战、强制隔离作战3个战术科目的实兵演练,集中检验了中俄两军联合战役指挥水平、协同能力和作战能力,锻炼了为支撑国家走向复兴的战斗精神。中俄联合军演点燃了两支军队理论思维的火炬,映射出未来的希望。 The Sino-Russian joint military exercise is the concentrated expression of the long-term cooperation achievements of the two countries in the military field. The military expert groups of the two armed forces have reached five consensuses afterwards to form a consensus. They jointly look at the new challenges of combining traditional security threats with non-traditional security threats and design joint demonstration projects. Joint military exercise mainly from the strategic, operational, tactical three levels, organized in three phases. The first phase of the exercise focused on the political consultations between the two armed forces and through strategic planning, they determined their determination to jointly use military forces. The second phase of the exercise highlighted the delivery and deployment of the military strength by the two armed forces, adjusted their campaign determination according to changes in the battlefield conditions, formulated operational plans and organized battle synergy. During the third phase of the exercise, they conducted a field exercise in three tactical subjects of maritime blockade, amphibious landing and forced isolation and separation. They concentratedly examined the command level, coordination ability and combat capability of the joint campaigns between the two armed forces of China and Russia and trained them to support the country's rejuvenation Fighting spirit. The joint military exercise of China and Russia ignited the torch of the two armed forces in their theoretical thinking and mapped out the hope for the future.
当前,学校的德育工作常常遇到德育现状与客观环境的变化不相适应的矛盾,缺乏实效性。所以,开创新的德育工作思路,探索有效的德育模式已成为学校工作的当务之急。  为全面提高学校德育工作的针对性、主动性和实效性,郑州市第二十六中学经过三年多的实践和探索,积极寻求新形势下德育工作的新方法,构建了“全景立体”德育体系,并以养成教育为依托,落实常规管理,实施全员德育导师制度,架起师生间的“心灵桥梁”,帮助学生解
只夕那中国狙击手写真!北京迷彩一族@和平利剑请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Only that Chinese sniper photo! Beijing camouflage @ peace sword Please do
近年来,世界军事发展呈现出许多新看点。尤其引人注目的是,以建设信息化军队打赢信息化战争为目标,世界主要军事大国继续加速推进武器装备研发,高度重视战略武器威慑作 In r
近日,按照“多用途夜视装置采购计划 VII”,美国陆军向诺思罗普·格鲁曼公司和 ITT 工业公司分别订购了价值2亿和1.4亿美元的单兵夜视装置,包括370 486具 AN/DVS-14单目夜视
说到GPS,人们并不陌生,它是美国研制的一种全球卫星导航定位系统。而对于俄罗斯的“格洛纳斯” (GLONASS Global Navigation Sat- ellite System)也许知道的人就不多了。其实