上海人民出版社出版的《方言与中国文化》第五章“语言化石与栽培植物发展史”第六节“茶、辣椒及其他”写道: “中餐的另一普遍使用的辛辣佐料是辣椒。它原产南美洲热带地方,16世纪传到欧洲,17世纪的明末传到中国(据A.De.德康道尔《农艺植物考源》)。”(第131页) 诚然,辣椒又称海椒、番椒,是“舶来品”,但说它迟至“十七世纪的明末传到
Chapter VI of “Dialects and Chinese Culture,” published by the Shanghai People's Publishing House, Chapter 6, “History of the Development of Fossils and Plants for Plant Fungus,” reads: “Another commonly used spicy sauce for Chinese food is pepper It originated in tropical South America and spread to Europe in the 16th century and to China in the late 17th century (according to A.De. de Compostela) (p.131) It is true that pepper Said the sea pepper, pepper, is ”exotic“, but said it late ”spread to the late seventeenth century