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1933年11月,十九路军爱国官兵发动了轰动中外的抗日反蒋“福建事变”,在围绕这一事件展开的一场新闻战中,当时日本联合通讯社上海支社抢发了独家新闻。后来,当时任联合上海支社社长的松本重治在他的回忆录《上海时代》中披露,他们之所以能抢发独家新闻,主要是因为胡鄂公事先向他们提供了情报。 胡鄂公(1884—1951)是中国近代史上一个很有影响的人物。他一生经历十分复杂:早年参加同盟会,武昌起义后,曾任战时总司令黄兴的副官,二十年代由李大利介绍加入中国共产党,1927年当选中共中央委员,1932年任中共中央情报部长,此后又担任孔祥熙私人秘书,但仍与潘汉年进行联系。1943年,脱离共产党,上海解放前夕去了台湾。 胡鄂公在中国新闻史上也自有其地位。1985《中国新闻年鉴·新闻界名人介绍》、刘建明博士主编《宣传舆论学大词典》中都列有他的专门词条。称其为民国初年著名报人。参与过数家报刊的工作。 那么胡鄂公当时是什么身份?他是怎样得到这一情报的?他又为什么要把这一情报透露给日本记者呢? 《辛亥武昌首义人物传》(下册)在“胡鄂公”条下有这样一段记述:“一九三三年福建成立人民政府,派代表到上海与中共中央取得联系,时胡任中共中央情报部长,经指定由胡接待。” 胡鄂公向日本记者提供情报的动机至今? In November 1933, the nineteenth Route Army patriotic officers and men launched a sensational campaign against Japan and Chiang Kai-shek “Fujian Incident” both at home and abroad. During a news war around this incident, Japan’s Yonhap news agency Shanghai Branch grabbed exclusive news. Later, when Matsumoto, who was then president of the Shanghai branch, disclosed in his memoir “Shanghai Times,” they were able to snatch the exclusive news mainly because Hu E-jo was the first to provide them intelligence. Hu Ergong (1884-1951) is a very influential figure in modern Chinese history. His life experience is very complicated: In the early years to participate in the League, Wuchang Uprising, served as a deputy commander of wartime commander Huang Xing, introduced by the Li Dali in the 1920s to join the Communist Party of China, was elected member of the CPC Central Committee in 1927, 1932 Minister of Central Intelligence , And later as personal secretary Kong Xiangxi, but still with Pan Hannian contact. In 1943, out of the Communist Party, Shanghai went to Taiwan on the eve of liberation. Hu Hubei public also has its own position in the history of Chinese news. 1985 “China News Yearbook · celebrity press introduction”, Dr. Liu Jianming editor “Publicity Media Dictionary” are listed in his special entry. Call it a famous reporter in the early years of the Republic of China. Participated in several newspapers and periodicals. So what was Hu’s status at that time? How did he get this information? Why did he disclose this information to Japanese reporters? The “Xinhai Wuchang Capitalists Biography” (Part Two) has such a paragraph under “Hu Gong” It states: “In 1933, the People’s Government of Fujian Province was established and sent representatives to Shanghai to get in touch with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the time, Hu was appointed Minister of Central Intelligence of the CPC Central Committee and was designated by Hu to accept the invitation.” Hu’s public motive has been to provide information to Japanese reporters so far?
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