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1996年8月29日,全国人大常委会审议通过了《中华人民共和国煤炭法》,该法律自1996年12月1日起施行。煤炭法是调整我国煤炭生产、经营和监督管理活动的基础法律,法律中对煤炭生产开发规划与煤矿建设,煤炭生产,煤矿安全,煤炭经营,煤矿矿区保护,监督管理体制和监督管理机构,煤炭的监督检查,违法行为的法律责任等,均做出了明确规定。煤炭法规定的监督管理体制是:国务院煤炭管理部门依法负责全国煤炭行业的监督管理。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责煤炭行业的监督管理。在煤炭法中还对监督检查的行政机关做出了分工规定:煤炭管理部门和有关部门依法对煤矿企业和煤炭经营企业执行煤炭法律、法规和情况进行监督检查。另外,煤炭法还对违法行为设定了处罚机关、处罚的方式和处罚的幅度。 1999年6月22日,为贯彻落实煤炭法,加强对煤炭经营的管理,国家经贸委第11号令发布了《煤炭经营管理办法》,该办法自发布之日起施行。《煤炭经营管理办法》涉及质量技术监督部门工作的主 On August 29, 1996, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress reviewed and adopted the “People’s Republic of China Coal Law.” This law was implemented on December 1, 1996. The coal law is the basic law that regulates China’s coal production, operation, and supervision and management activities. The law includes coal production and development planning and coal mine construction, coal production, coal mine safety, coal management, coal mining area protection, supervision and management systems and supervision and management agencies, and coal. The supervision and inspections, legal responsibilities of illegal acts, etc., have made clear provisions. The supervision and management system stipulated by the Coal Law is that the State Council’s coal management department is responsible for the supervision and management of the national coal industry. The relevant departments of the State Council are responsible for the supervision and management of the coal industry within their respective scope of responsibility. In the Coal Law, a division of labor is also stipulated for the administrative agencies that supervise and inspect: The coal administrative department and related departments shall supervise and inspect the execution of coal laws, regulations, and conditions by coal mining enterprises and coal trading enterprises. In addition, the coal law also sets penalties, penalties, and penalties for violations. On June 22, 1999, in order to implement the coal law and strengthen the management of coal operations, the State Economic and Trade Commission issued an Order 11 to issue the “Measures for the Management of Coal Operations”, which will be implemented as of the date of promulgation. The “Coal Operation Management Regulations” refers to the main work of the quality and technical supervision department
本刊讯 工商领域协会(包括工商领域行业协会、商会等社会中介组织)是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。培育和发展工商领域协会是政府机构改革和深化国有企业改革的重要内容。
重庆恩斯特铝塑复合板有限公司(ChongQingNestAluminium-PlasticCompositeSheetCo.,Ltd.)位于西南铝加工厂内,租用西南铝加工厂的厂房5000m2,已于今年3月份建成投产,总投资320万元,设计生产能力800k ChongQing Nest Aluminum-Plastic Composite Sheet