知法与信仰法律 如何塑社会主义法治观念

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社会成员对法的遵守是法得以实现的重要途径,而社会成员对法的遵守是在一定的法治观念的指导下进行的。因此,社会成员具备什么样的法治观念对法的实现有重要影响。一、怎样才算知法,知法是否必然守法通常认为,只有知法才能守法.然而怎样才算知法,有不同的理解。在普法教育还是在宣传中都把知法理解为全面掌握法律条文。因此,知法通常被理解为对法律条文的认知。但认为对法律条文的认知后即必然守法,答案则是:未必。这里问题有二。一是对法律条文的认知是否是全社会成员对法律的全面的认知。若不是全 The observance of the law by members of society is an important way to realize the law, and the observance of the law by members of the society is guided by the concept of the rule of law. Therefore, what kind of concept of the rule of law possessed by members of society has an important influence on the realization of the law. First, how to count the law, whether the law is bound to abide by the law Generally believed that only knowing law to abide by the law. However, how to count the law, have different understandings. In the popularization of education or publicity are the understanding of the law as a comprehensive grasp of the legal provisions. Therefore, knowing law is usually understood as the cognition of the law. However, it is inevitable to abide by the law after the cognizance of the legal provisions, the answer is: not necessarily. There are two problems here. First, whether the cognition of legal provisions is a comprehensive cognition of the law by all members of the society. If not all
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