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2016年2月15日,历经八年磨炼,“猴年第一新股”南方传媒在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。2016年2月15日,“猴年第一新股”在上海证券交易所开锣,南方传媒历经八年磨炼,终于挂牌上市,翻开了新的发展篇章。“上市是南方传媒成长的新机遇,对公司发展具有重要的战略意义。”南方传媒董事长王桂科寄望,“将努力把公司打造成世界一流的跨媒体内容提供商和运营商,并成为建设广东文化强省的出版主力军、中华文化‘走出去’的生力军、中国文化产业的南方出版基地和重要战略投资者,打造立足广东、面 February 15, 2016, after eight years of tempering, ”Year of the Monkey IPO “ Southern Media listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. February 15, 2016, ”New Year of the Monkey “ kicked off at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, southern media after eight years of tempering, and finally listed on the market, opened a new chapter of development. ”Listing is a new opportunity for the development of Southern Media and has an important strategic significance for the development of the company.“ Southern Media Chairman Wang Guike hopes that ”the company will strive to become a world-class provider of cross-media content and operators, And become a major force in the construction of a strong cultural province in Guangdong publishing, the Chinese culture ’going out’ of the force, the Chinese cultural industry publishing base in the south and an important strategic investor, to create a based in Guangdong, noodles
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七十年代中期的一天,美国亚默尔肉食加工公司老板菲力普-亚默尔坐在沙发上翻阅报纸, 突然,一则几十个字的短讯使它兴奋的差点跳了起来,墨西哥发生了疑似瘟疫的病例。他马 上 想到