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将葵花子一斤洗净沥干,在铁锅内放水一斤左右,加入食盐半匙,糖精、桂皮、茴香 Wash the sunflower pound drain, pound in the wok water around, add half a spoon salt, saccharin, cinnamon, fennel
大概在我不到二十岁的时候,读过法国诗人艾吕雅的一首诗,内容是号召在德国法西 Probably when I was under 20, I read a poem written by the French poet Ilulhah in the
我国一些地方,妇女生了孩子,就把鸡蛋染成红色.赠送给亲友,象征喜悦、欢乐。 In some parts of our country, when women give birth to children, they dye the eggs into
糖醋鸡脯盒饭是台湾省一种味美可口、食用方便的食品,颇受当地人欢迎.这种饭的原料是鸡脯肉,太白粉、蕃薯粉、 Sweet and sour chicken breast rice is a delicious, easy-t
您喜欢吃鱼吗?细嫩的鱼肉,味道鲜美,营养丰富,它不仅为您节假日的餐桌上增香 Do you like to eat fish? Delicate fish, delicious, nutritious, it not only for your hol
夏天家里经常要做个凉拌菜,用甜、酸、咸的调料一拌,甜滋滋、酸溜溜、凉丝丝的, Summer often want to be a salad at home, with sweet, sour, salty spices mix, sweet,
我国东北地区有一个漫长的冬天,而冬季的家庭主食比较单调.这里介绍一个经过改良的主食,制法简单,取料方便,一般家庭都可 There is a long winter in northeastern China,
浙江自古出名茶.其产量大,品种多,各具其香,现择其名者简介如下:西湖龙井:产于杭州西湖 Zhejiang famous tea since ancient times. The yield, variety, each with its in
西瓜鸡 把一只鸡宰杀洗净,剔下精肉切成块,然后用黄酒一两半,味精、葱、姜、盐、糖各适量与它拌匀。 Watermelon chicken to kill a chicken slaughter, tick fine meat cu
冬瓜花篮和西瓜花篮多次出现在青岛的大型宴会上,受到宾客的高度评价和欢迎“食用过此菜的外国元首曾为此接见过制作者。现将这两种花篮的制法简介如下: The melon flower b