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近年来,青年职工下岗人数增多,待业时间增长,其 原因主要有:一、经济体制改革的必然结果。部 分企业由于产业结构、产品结构和技术结构不合理,加之自身管理不善等诸多因素,难以适应市场经济的新形势,或停产、半停产,或破产、倒闭,造成部分职工包括青年职工下岗待业。另外,在激烈的市场竞争环境下,企业要生存,就必须提高劳动生产率,使部分青年职工在优化组合和竞争中淘汰下岗。二、劳动力市场不健全。随着市场经济体制改革的进一步深化,需要大力发展劳动力市场,建立下岗职工和企业需求的登记制度,健全流动职工档案保管业务,完善劳动力市场建设。但实际情况是,与市场经济体制相配套的劳动力市场相对滞后,还没有形成有效机制,使企业需求与劳动力供给产生脱节,出现有活找不到人干、有人找不到活干的现象。即所谓“摩擦性失业”。 In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of laid-off workers from the young workers and an increase in the waiting time for unemployed. The reasons are mainly as follows. First, the inevitable result of the economic structural reform. Some enterprises are hard to adapt to the new situation in the market economy, or stop production, stop production or bankrupt or close down due to many factors, such as industrial structure, unreasonable product structure and technological structure, and their poor management. As a result, some employees, including young workers, are laid-off and unemployed. In addition, in the fierce market competition environment, enterprises must survive to survive, and must raise their labor productivity so that some young workers will eliminate their laid-offs in the process of optimization and competition. Second, the labor market is not perfect. With the further deepening of the reform of the market economy system, we need to vigorously develop the labor market, establish a registration system for laid-off workers and enterprises’ needs, improve the archival custody of migrant workers and improve the construction of the labor market. However, the actual situation is that the labor market supporting the market economic system has lagged behind and no effective mechanism has yet been formed so that there is a disconnect between the demand of enterprises and the supply of labor. There is a phenomenon that people can not find jobs and others can not find jobs. The so-called “frictional unemployment.”
以任务为基础的工作描述(Task-basedjob Description)是国外近几年开发的一种新的系统的人力管理方法。它通过对工作人员所从事的工作进行描述,决定完成该工作所必须具备的