
来源 :国外铁道机车与动车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linlinlin123456
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本文澄清了关于电动机不同联接的电力传动机车和液力传动机车的持续工况的概念。电力传动机车的持续工况受限于与牵引力有关的电机温升。可以基本上保持同一持续牵引力而使机车的《持续速度》随工率的改变而变化。所以对于电力传动机车而言,《持续速度》这个概念不能说明问题。液力传动有传动损失量,并随功率增大而增大、在持续工作区外传动损失迅速增大、油的热容较小、油温过高有导致各运动部分工作恶化的危险等特点。因此对于液力传动机车而言, 《持续速度》和《持续功率》的概念则有其严紧的意义。持续牵引力应满足两个要求:起动时必要的短期超载和爬大坡时延续半小时的超载。持续牵引力应结合机车的粘着和传动的发热来考虑并以相对于机车粘着重量的值表示之。文中给出了超载时间和超载率的关系公式,以及关于传动的《超载能力》的定义。作者认为:液力传动的时间常数很小,超戟能力很小;为了满足起动要求,需要增大传动油贮量或冷却面积,结果使液力传动机车不得不具有较低的对应低效率的持续速度。而电机的热容大、许用温升高,因而电力传动的时间常数大,超载能力强,起动不影响持续牵引力的确定。文章还阐述了持续牵引力的确定方法,并就液力传动以单一联接的电力传动和二重联接的电力传动的持续工况进行了计算和比较。 This article clarifies the concept of continuous operation of electric and hydrostatic locomotives with different couplings of the motor. The continuous operation of electric locomotives is limited by the motor temperature rise associated with traction. The “sustained speed” of the locomotive can be varied substantially with the change of the working rate with substantially the same sustained traction. So for the electric locomotive, the concept of “sustained speed” does not explain the problem. Hydrodynamic transmission losses, and increase with increasing power, continuous loss of transmission outside the work area increased rapidly, the smaller the heat capacity of oil, the oil temperature is too high, leading to the deterioration of the work part of the risk of movement and so on . Therefore, the concept of “continuous speed” and “continuous power” have their meanings for hydrodynamic locomotives. Continued traction should meet two requirements: the necessary short-term overload at start-up and ramp-up for half an hour. Continuous traction should be combined with locomotive adhesion and heat transmission to consider and relative to the value of locomotive adhesion weight expressed. The paper gives the formula of the relationship between overload time and overloading rate, and the definition of “overload capacity” of the drive. The authors believe that: the time constant of hydraulic transmission is very small, super-halberd ability is small; in order to meet the starting requirements, the need to increase the transmission oil storage or cooling area, the result of the hydrodynamic locomotive had to have a low corresponding low efficiency Sustained speed. The motor heat capacity, allowing the use of temperature rise, so the power transmission time constant, overload capacity, starting does not affect the determination of sustained traction. The article also elaborates the method of determining the continuous traction force and calculates and compares the continuous operating conditions of the hydraulic drive with a single coupled electric drive and double coupled electric drive.
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一、重点知识与主要功能要求 1.语法 ①复习并掌握:一般现在时态,现在进行时态,一般将来时态,一般过去时态。 ②学习并掌握:副词和形容词比较级及最高级、as…as和not as(so
美国煤炭企业公司(American coal Enterprises)在1980年夏,公布了ACE3000型蒸汽机车设想方案,四年来几经修改,至目前确定的设计方案有ACE3000-8型及ACE3000-4型两种,特别重