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3月28日出版《血颂》(美国长篇小说):作者安妮·赖斯(AnneRice)被称为吸血鬼之母,写过二十多部吸血鬼及女巫题材的著作,并参与了一些吸血鬼电影的编剧工作。《血颂》(BloodCanticle)是《吸血鬼编年史》系列故事中的最后一部,本刊2005年春季增刊曾刊登了系列中的《肉体窃贼》(Th March 28, “Blood Ode” (American novels): Author Anne Rice, known as the mother of vampires, has authored over 20 books on vampire and witch themes and participated in some vampire films Screenwriter work. The BloodCanticle is the last of a series of stories in the Chronicles of Vampire series, published in the 2005 Spring Supplement of the magazine in the series “Thieves of the Body” (Th
牛羊肉营养丰富,味道也鲜美,但烹制后剩下的牛羊油很硬,食用不方便,丢了又可惜,请问怎么办? Nutritious beef and mutton, the taste is delicious, but after cooking the
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我们人体的唾液与饮食有着极为密切的关系.一个健康人的饮食,都要先经过口 Our body’s saliva and diet has a very close relationship.A healthy diet, have to go thro
在2007年度的《纽约时报》“英语图书全球畅销榜”上,《孤独的幸存者》(Lone Survivor)一度荣登非小说类排行榜榜首,并长期高居前5位。 Lone Survivor once topped the non-
鱼子饭和鳖裙羹,都是江南传统的时令佳肴,距今已有近千年的历史.相传北宋时,仁宗召见江 Roe roe and turtle skirt soup, are Jiangnan traditional seasonal cuisine, dati
孩子用刀切菜,最让爸爸妈妈担心的是出“工伤”,所以,他们宁可自己动手,也不愿让孩子们干。 When children cut their vegetables with their knives, Mom and Dad worried
我相信,雨水一定是上帝赐给罗比的最好的礼物。而罗比,他一定是上帝赐给我们的最好的礼物。1998年,我们所在的坎南布可州经历了百年难遇的大旱。因为长 I believe that the
菜泥富含婴幼儿所需要的多种维生素等营养成分,而且易于消化吸收.是婴幼儿理想的辅助食品之 Vegetable puree rich in infants and young children need a variety of vita