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我国杰出的革命戏剧家和无产阶级文化战士田汉同志追悼会,四月二十五日下午在北京八宝山革命公墓举行。田汉同志是中国共产党党员,第一届、第二届全国人民代表大会代表,政协第一届全体会议代表、政协第四届全国委员会委员,中国文学艺术界联合会副主席,中国戏剧家协会主席、党组书记。田汉同志因受林彪、“四人帮”的残酷迫害,于一九六八年十二月十日含冤逝世,终年七十岁。华国锋、叶剑英、邓小平、李先念、陈云、宋庆龄、王震、韦国清、乌兰夫、方毅、邓颖超、余秋里、胡耀邦、耿飚、聂荣臻、赵紫阳、谷牧、谭震林、李井 Memorial service for Comrade Tian Han, an outstanding revolutionary dramatist and proletarian cultural warrior, was held on the afternoon of April 25 at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing. Comrade Tian Han is a member of the Communist Party of China, the first and second National People’s Congress representatives, the first plenary session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the CPPCC National Committee of the Fourth National Committee, vice chairman of the Federation of Chinese Literature and Art Federation, chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association ,Party secretary. Due to the cruel persecution of Lin Biao and the “gang of four,” Comrade Tian Han passed away with injustice on December 10, 1968, and was 70 years old at the end of the year. Hua Guofeng, Ye Jianying, Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian, Chen Yun, Song Qingling, Wang Zhen, Wei Guoqing, Wu Lanfu, Fang Yi, Deng Yingchao, Yu Qiuoli, Hu Yaobang, Geng Biao, Nie Rongzhen, Zhao Ziyang, Gu Mu, Tan Zhenlin, Li Jing
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Survivin is a member of inhibitor of apoptosis protein family(IAPs) and is expressed in embryonic tissues as well as in the majority of human cancers,but almost
汶川地震所带来的救灾重建工作,所需资金将是惊人的数字。    1.国家规定在3个月内向灾区困难群众每人每天发放1斤口粮和10元补助金,累计每人补贴900元和90斤大米,符合补助要求的约有1000万人以上(公职人员、企业职工不在补贴范围内,引用政府公布的数字,约有4500万受灾人口,1500万人流离失所),总计补贴90亿元和45万吨大米。     2.国家规定中央财政将给每一个遇难者的家属发放500