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“友谊-2006”中巴联合反恐军演于2006年12月11日开始,18日结束,共分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为装备展示和技战术训练交流,主要进行武器装备和单兵、班组山地作战、反恐作战技战术展示,相互学习交流。第二阶段为实兵联合演习,演练营指挥所组织战斗和战斗实施,主要包括组织协同,设卡联检以及伏击、巡逻、搜剿、围歼等战斗行动。这次联合军演的目的是进一步巩固和深化中巴两国、两军友好合作关系,加强军事互信,交流山地反恐怖作战经验,提高两军联合反恐作战能力,营造与国际社会共同打击恐怖主义的氛围。有关方面在发布这一消息时强调,演习不针对第三方,不损害他国利益。 “Friendship -2006” China-Pakistan joint anti-terrorism military exercise began on December 11, 2006 and ended on the 18th. It is divided into two phases. The first phase is the exchange of equipment display and technical and tactical training, mainly carrying out the display of weapons and equipment and individual troops, the operations of mountainous groups and anti-terrorism combat operations and tactics, and learning from each other. The second phase is a joint military exercise and a battalion battalion command post to organize the combat and combat operations. The operations mainly include organizing and coordinating card checks, ambushes, patrols, search and suppression, and annihilation operations. The purpose of this joint military exercise is to further consolidate and deepen the friendly cooperative relations between the two countries and the two armed forces, strengthen mutual trust in the military, exchange experience in anti-terrorist operations in the mountain regions, enhance the combined anti-terrorism capability of the two armed forces and create a joint anti-terrorism campaign with the international community Atmosphere. In releasing the news, the parties concerned stressed that the exercise is not aimed at third parties and does no harm to the interests of other countries.
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醒来  醉后,遭遇一树呼喊的桃花  却不见桃花一样的女子  这个匍匐在尘世的过客  只是闯进女子一样柔软的暮色  醉来过后  他的孤独已经生锈  而那些斑驳的孤独,形同虚设  回到六月  还在浮世漂泊  我的蔚蓝的梦呓里  一滴烫人的麦子滚落  而此刻的故乡,开始灼烧  短浅的荒草成灰,辽阔的事物疯长  当风拂过山麓,吹过麦浪  麦浪掌心覆垄的时候  我要赶回,马不停蹄  一只鸟能挟持了我的目光 
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父亲是一介农民,生活在豫东平原,今年已七十高龄。应编辑之约,写一篇有关父亲的文章,我这个被父亲精心培育出来的读书人,才蓦然发现,在我所谓诸多的文字中,有关父亲的记忆寥寥。这,是不是,一种罪过;这,是不是,一种谴责……  “我不怕干活儿”  18年前,我从农村来到城市读大学。期间曾写下一首关于父亲的小诗,至今未忘。原诗如下——  瘸腿的父亲  拉着一车稻草  挪出田地  架子车,在夕阳中  蹒跚  
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