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目的调查克拉玛依市中心医院2014年住院患者疾病构成、费用、用药情况,为开展系列循证药学研究提供基线数据。方法提取拉玛依市中心医院信息管理系统2014年住院患者疾病种类、单病种的用药和费用等数据,用WHO ICD-10标化疾病分类,Microsoft Excel 2007统计软件整理分析数据,主要采用频数、占比、累计占比和均数描述统计指标。结果 (1)2014年克市中心医院住院患者总计24 936人次,男女比0.96︰1,民族比22.95%,排名前3的系统疾病分别是呼吸系统,妊娠、分娩和产褥期及循环系统;(2)患者排名前3的年龄段依次是25~59岁、≥60岁及0~4岁;(3)单病种:人均住院费前3位依次是肺部感染、肿瘤化疗和对症治疗;人均西药费前3位依次是肿瘤化疗、对症治疗和肺部感染;人均中药费前3位依次是慢性肾病、心绞痛和脑梗死。结论该院2014年住院患者单病种排名和占比与全疆、全国和全球的疾病负担不同。基于该调查结果,将呼吸系统疾病、循环系统疾病列为本次循证药学的系统研究目标。 Objective To investigate the composition, cost and medication of inpatients in Karamay Central Hospital in 2014 and provide baseline data for conducting a series of evidence-based pharmaco-logical studies. Methods Data were collected from hospitalized patients in Lamai City Central Hospital in 2014 for the disease types and diseases and the data were collected and analyzed with the WHO ICD-10 standardized disease classification software and Microsoft Excel 2007 statistical software. The main frequency , The proportion, the cumulative proportion and the average description of statistical indicators. Results (1) In 2014, a total of 24,936 inpatients were hospitalized in KC Central Hospital, with a ratio of male to female being 0.96: 1 and a national minority of 22.95%. The top three systemic diseases were respiratory system, pregnancy, delivery and puerperium and circulatory system respectively; (2) ) The patients in the top 3 were 25 to 59 years old, ≥60 years old and 0 to 4 years old. (3) Single disease: the top 3 per capita hospitalization expenses were pulmonary infection, tumor chemotherapy and symptomatic treatment; Western medicine costs top three followed by tumor chemotherapy, symptomatic treatment and lung infection; per capita expenditure of Chinese medicine in the first three followed by chronic kidney disease, angina pectoris and cerebral infarction. Conclusion The ranking and percentage of single-disease inpatients in 2014 in this hospital are different from those in Xinjiang, the whole country and the whole world. Based on the findings, respiratory diseases and circulatory diseases are listed as the systematic targets of this evidence-based medicine.