我校有二十七个班,学生一千四百余名。去年秋季,颁发《小学生守则》以后,我校在学生中开展了以讲文明、懂礼貌为中心内容的教育活动,取得了一定的成绩。下面谈谈我们的做法和体会。 一、针对儿童思维具体、形象的特点,开展多种形式的宣传教育活动。 1.把道德规范要求具体化,从易记好做的十个字抓起。这十个字是:“您、早、好、谢谢、再见、对不起。”为了使学生很快会用这十个字,我们在校会上、班会上逐字讲清要求,举了很多具体事例启发大家。
Our school has 27 classes and over 1,400 students. Last autumn, following the issuance of the “Pupils Code,” our school has made some achievements among students in educational activities focusing on civilized and polite content. Here to talk about our practices and experiences. First, in view of the specific thinking of children, the image of the characteristics of various forms of publicity and education activities. 1. Embody the ethical requirements and start with ten words that are easy to remember. The ten words are: “You, good morning, good morning, thank you, goodbye, I'm sorry.” In order for the students to quickly use these ten words, we clarified the requirements verbatim in the school meeting and class meetings, Examples inspire everyone.