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  When I was a child, my mother and I were trapped in a burning building in Los Angeles. We were forced to sit out on the second floor 1)window ledge because the only exit was blocked. When the firemen came, they said, “Throw the kid down!” I thought, “Wow, I can actually jump out a window!” I didn’t know enough to be scared.
  The firemen caught us and I remember thinking, “Yes, this is what I want to do when I grow up.” I remember standing there, a 2)feisty, 3)runty little redhead, saying, “I’m gonna be a firemen just like you!” They laughed and said,“You’ll be a good mommy, you’ll be a good teacher, maybe you’ll be a nurse, but you can never be a fireman.”
  I went on to study 4)aviation technology at college. From where I was seated, the only woman in class, I had the distinct feeling I was being watched. I turned around and there was this very handsome man. Dennis and I hit it off instantly, and were together for four years, before getting married in 1979.
  But time 5)took its toll, and Dennis got very sick. As a Vietnam War veteran and pilot, he transported the dreadful 6)Agent Orange for 18 months. When he came back from Vietnam, doctors diagnosed him with cancer.
  By the time he died six years ago, his body had completely shut down. He said, “This isn’t living. I’m ready to go. But what are you going to do? How will you manage?” I told him I’ll be fine, which gave him peace, and that was the end of that. I was mentally exhausted, physically destroyed and I needed time to heal.
  A y e a r later, when I was 61, one of the villagers wrote an interesting article about riding in a local ambulance for the day. I had no idea such opportunities were available. My neighbor works for the fire department, so I went with him when he was on duty and within minutes we had a life or death ambulance call. All I could do was comfort the victim, but I wanted to do more. So I joined the next class to get an 7)emergency technician license. Soon I started riding on the fire calls, and the more I did it, the more I kept thinking, why didn’t I do this when I was 20?
  不过岁月不饶人,丹尼斯患了病,并且病得很厉害。作为一名越南战争的老兵和飞行员,他有一年半时间负责运送可怕的橘剂。当他从越南归来,医生诊断他患上了癌症。   六年前,当他去世时,他的身体已经完全垮了。他说:“这不是生活。我要走了。但你怎么办呢?你怎么熬过来呢?”我告诉他,我会没事的,这让他心情平静,然后他就这么走了。我那时已经精疲力竭,心力交瘁,需要时间来疗伤。

  I was appointed to the fire department, and after a year I told my chief I wanted to be a firefighter. I showed up for training, looked around the room and there were around a dozen or so guys who were 18-21 years old. They looked at me, and asked “Are you one of the instructors?” I said, “No, I’m one of your fellow students!” There was a stunned silence and a hostile feeling came over the room. Maybe because I was older or I was a woman, but I was there and it didn’t 8)sit well.
  The things they taught us were very technical; with plenty of studying and physical 9)workouts (I gained 10 lbs. of muscle just to handle the 60 lbs. of equipment). The instructors expected me to drop out in a week, and there was no 10)encouragement from anyone.

  At the end of the course, we had a very intensive practical exam, putting out real fires in a “burning building.” Then we had an extremely difficult written exam, and you needed a 70 to pass. It seemed impossible, so I asked a very kind-hearted instructor when I could try again.
  He looked at me and said, “I know you and I’m sure you passed. We’ll go over it together. You read me your answer and I’ll tell you if it’s right or wrong.” I didn’t 11)keep track but after a while he said, “Do you realize you’re up to number 87 and you only need 70 to pass?”
  I collapsed, crying, in a heap at his feet. I thought, “Oh no, I shouldn’t be doing this because it isn’t professional” but it was better than my wedding day! It was the happiest day of my life.
  I remember laughing and shrieking and singing the whole way home. I bought an armload of flowers because that’s what my husband would’ve done. I got some champagne and stayed up all night telling friends and family. I was 66 years old when I received my firefighter 12)certification, which supposedly made me the oldest person, or at least oldest female ever, to be certified in the state, and possibly all of New England.
  Why am I destined to do something so difficult, that most young men can’t even do it? I’ll never know. I know I can’t do this forever, and it breaks my heart. I worry that as I age—will I still have the 13)fortitude to move forward? All I know is I’m living my dream and to this day I still don’t believe it.

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