四月初八是“浴佛节”,许多史书都有关于浴佛的记载。相传释伽牟尼出生于约公元前565年的四月初八,后又于此日出家,成道,于是每年这一天,佛教徒们用香汤洗浴释伽牟尼的诞生像。 由于南唐梁武帝笃信佛教,提倡茹素,“浴佛节”便又增添了食素的内容。历代都在“浴佛节”这天以素食为主。宋《醉翁谈录》就有“浴佛之日,僧民道流云集相国寺,合都士庶妇女骈集,四方扶老挈幼交观者莫不蔬素。”历代皇帝也以清心寡欲的素食度节,清代皇帝表现得特别突出。
The eighth day of April is “Bath Buddha Festival”, many history books have a record of bath Buddha. According to legend, Sakyamuni was born in about 565 BC in the eighth day of April, and later in this sunrise, enlightenment, so each day this day, Buddhists bath with incense soup Sakyamuni birth like. As the Southern Tang Dynasty Emperor Wu believes in Buddhism, advocate vegetarian, “Buddha Bath Festival” will add vegetarian content. Ancient times in the “Bath Buddha Festival” to vegetarian-based day. Song “Drunkard talks recorded” there is "bath Buddha day, monks and Taoism gathered in the temple, a joint capital Shu women gather, Desirable vegetarian festival, the Qing emperor was particularly prominent.