
来源 :长沙水电师院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Helilujah
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根据我省高校协作会科研协作组一九八八年工作计划,协作组第二次会议于1989年1月10日至11日在长沙水电师范学院与湖南省高等院校第四次科研管理研讨会同时举行。本会由协作组主席单位——长沙水电师范学院科研处与省教委科研处共同筹备和主持。湘潭大学、湖南大学等19所院校共51名代表出席了会议。省教委副主任田维泉同志、省科委成果处处长胡先银同志、长沙水电师院院长龚洵洁同志、副院长吴培泽同志等应邀出席了大会,并讲了话。 According to the work plan of the Collaborative Group for Scientific Research of Universities and Colleges in 1988, the second meeting of the Collaborative Group was held on January 10 to January 11, 1989 in Changsha Hydropower and Vanke University and the Fourth Scientific Research Management of Hunan Province Will be held at the same time This will be the co-chairman of the unit - Changsha Hydropower Research Institute and the Provincial Education Commission, scientific research co-preparation and hosting. A total of 51 representatives from 19 universities and institutes including Xiangtan University and Hunan University attended the conference. Comrade Tian Weiquan, deputy director of the Provincial Education Commission, Comrade Hu Xiangyin, director of the Outcomes Department of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, Comrade Gong Weijie, president of the Changsha Hydropower Teachers College, and Comrade Wu Peize, vice dean of the Changsha Science and Technology Commission attended the conference and made speeches.
We had carried out the growth of nonlinear optical organic single crystalsof 3-methyl-4nitropyridine-loxide(3-POM)of optical quality by the solution coo-ling m
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
LNP crystals show many interesting physical properties such as ferro-electric,piezoelectric,and other pertient characteristics.They are used in trans-ducers an
《江苏农学院学报》编辑部从1989年3月第2期起,在IBM PC/XT机上,采用中国印刷科学技术研究所开发的科技一数学版排版软件系统,编辑部自行排版、改版、定版后激光打印输出,交
Based on defect physical chemistry,this paper studies systematically va-rious possible solid phase reaction and relevant products between Na~+,OH-(or O~=,O_2~-
判别式法  若所求问题可转化为二次不等式,则可联想到二次函数图象结合判别式解题.一般地,对于二次函数[f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a≠0,x∈R)],则有:(1)[f(x)>0]对[x∈R]恒成立[?a>0,Δa]恒成立[?aa(a为参数)]恒成立[?a0,f(β)>0.]  例5 对任意[a∈[-1,1]],不等式[x2+(a-4)x+4-][2a>0]恒成立,求[x]的取值范围.  解析 令[