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在亚燃冲压发动机直连式高空试验系统上,实现了模型冲压发动机在40~60 kPa条件下的点火和稳定燃烧,研究了燃烧室构型、燃烧室入口来流条件以及燃料当量比对燃烧效率的影响。试验结果表明:低压条件下的燃烧效率比常压和高压条件下的燃烧效率都要低;但低压条件下燃烧效率随燃烧室构型、模拟来流条件和燃料当量比的变化规律与常压和高压下的情况基本一致,增加燃烧室长度、提高来流总压和总温、增大燃料当量比,降低飞行高度,以及增强煤油的雾化和混合,都有利于提高燃烧效率;与常压和高压下的情况不同的是减小凹腔长深比能进一步提高燃烧效率。 The ignition and steady combustion of the ramjet engine at 40 ~ 60 kPa were realized on the direct combustion overhead engine test system. The effects of the combustion chamber configuration, the inlet and outlet flow conditions of the combustion chamber, and the fuel equivalence ratio on the combustion The impact of efficiency. The results show that the combustion efficiency under low pressure is lower than that under atmospheric pressure and high pressure. However, the combustion efficiency under low pressure varies with the combustion chamber configuration, simulated flow conditions and fuel equivalence ratio, And the situation under high pressure is basically the same, increasing the length of the combustion chamber, increasing the total pressure and total temperature of the incoming flow, increasing the fuel equivalence ratio, reducing the flight height, and enhancing the atomization and mixing of kerosene all contribute to improving the combustion efficiency; The difference between pressure and high pressure is that reducing the ratio of the depth to the depth of the cavity can further improve the combustion efficiency.
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本文详细分析了费用索赔特征、理由和证据,重点介绍了费用索赔评估方法及应用实例,可供项目计量支付管理参考。 This article analyzes in detail the characteristics, justi
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阿莘初来我们家时,才二十八天的年龄。我记得那是许多年前的一个下午,春天的下午。我之所以肯定是春天,是因为阿莘刚刚来到就把爷爷的那盆宝贝海棠不客气地抓了个稀巴烂,而那海棠是只在春天才开花的。从那个下午起,阿莘就成了我们家第六个成员。  除了属鼠的妈妈,家里另外四个人都视阿莘为公主。以致她每日一定要喝一次牛奶;睡觉一定要在我的枕头上;晚饭后则一定要在小菜圃里散步,直到把所有的菜苗抓烂。那次她在桌子上表
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