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中评协于4月13日至14日在北京召开2011年度证券评估资格资产评估机构执业质量检查总结会议。会议由财政部资产评估行业执业质量检查工作领导小组组长、中评协副会长兼秘书长刘萍主持。财政部企业司副司长肖雪峰,中评协副秘书长卞荣华参加会议并讲话,中评协党委专职副书记宋阳、副秘书长韩立英及有关机构法人代表、质量复核人员、相关签字评估师、检查专家等200多人参加会议。刘秘书长在讲话中指出,通过报告的质量,可以看出评估师是否对所从事的事业和职业怀有敬畏之心。不管检查的形式如何,检查的内容如何,检查的实质是“人心”。要把“人心”摆正,把事业做好,共同把评估事业推向一个更高的目标。针对2011年度证券评估资格资产评估机构执业质量检查,刘秘书长就如何看待检查,如何看待检查结果,如何学会反思不足,如何比较衡量、如何查找原因等谈了自己的体会。肖副司长指出,加强资产评估机构执业质量建设和监管工作,促进资产评估行业提升执业质量,要积极推动和配合全国人大开展资产评估立法工作,大力推进健全完善行业管理法律制度;要不断完善资产评估机构管理制度;要积极支持协会建立健全评估准则体系。卞副秘书长对2011年度证券评估资格资产评估机构执业质量检查情况进行了总结,强调资产评估执业质量是行业可持续发展的基石,是社会信任的基础,是行业公信力的体现,也是评估行业自我生存与发展的根本保证。 China Evaluation Association held the Summary Meeting of Practice Quality Inspection of 2011 Assets Valuation Institutions in Beijing from April 13 to April 14. The meeting was led by Liu Ping, the Leading Group Leader of the QA Practice for Assets Appraisal Industry under the Ministry of Finance and the Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the China Evaluation Association. Xiao Xuefeng, deputy director of the Enterprise Department of the Ministry of Finance, and Bian Ronghua, deputy secretary general of the China Appraisal Association, attended the meeting and made speeches. Song Yang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Appraisal Society, Han Liying, deputy secretary general, and legal representatives of relevant institutions, quality reviewers and relevant signature appraisers , Inspect more than 200 experts attended the meeting. Secretary-General Liu pointed out in his speech that the quality of the report shows whether the appraiser is in awe of the undertakings and occupations in which he works. Regardless of the form of inspection, what is checked, the essence of inspection is “people’s hearts ”. We should put “people’s mind ” squarely, do a good job, and jointly push the assessment to a higher goal. In view of the 2011 quality assessment of qualifications in asset evaluation agencies practice examination, Secretary-General Liu on how to look at the examination, how to treat the examination results, how to learn to reflect less, how to compare, how to find the reasons to talk about their own experience. Deputy Director Xiao pointed out that to strengthen the construction and supervision of the quality of practicing in asset evaluation institutions and to promote the improvement of the quality of practicing in the asset evaluation industry, we should actively promote and cooperate with the NPC in carrying out the asset valuation and legislation work and vigorously promote and improve the legal system of industry management. Asset assessment agencies management system; to actively support the association to establish and improve the evaluation criteria system. Deputy Secretary-General Bian summarized the practicing quality inspection conducted by the securities assessment eligibility asset assessment institutions in 2011, stressing that the quality of asset assessment practice is the cornerstone of the sustainable development of the industry, the basis of social trust, the embodiment of the credibility of the industry, Survival and development of the fundamental guarantee.
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[摘 要:班主任是一个班级当中最重要的管理者,也是最为辛苦的园丁,因为你不仅要关注学生的学习成绩,更要关爱学生的心理健康,没有关爱就没有教育。班主任作为一个班级的带头人,其所肩负的责任是非常重大的。伴随着教育改革的不断深化,班主任的心理健康教育施教能力及其效率逐渐成为了当前社会的热点关注话题。  关键词:高中教育;心理健康;施教能力;策略提升]  一、引言  心理健康教育不仅是高中阶段教育教学活动