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“中国是世界文明发达最早的国家之一”。在我国的悠久历史上,广大劳动人民创造了灿烂的文化和科学技术。在劳动人民发展科学技术的伟大斗争中,儒法两条不同的思想政治路线起着截然相反的作用。儒家守旧、倒退的反动政治路线和唯心主义形而上学的自然观,极大地阻碍着科学技术的发展;而法家革新、进步的政治路线和朴素的唯物主义自然观,对科学技术的发展起了促进作用。 今天,坚持用焉克恩主义的立场、观点、方法,深入研究儒法斗争与科学技术发展的关系,对于我们进一步正确认识思想政治路线和科学技术工作的关系,提高阶级斗争和路线斗争党悟,发扬独立自主、自力更生的革命精神,攀登科学技术的新高峰,具有重要的现实意义。 这几篇文章,是我院的工人、学员、教师,用马克思主义观点研究科学技术领域里儒法斗争的历史经验,所编写的几个片断。 — —编 者 “China is one of the earliest developed countries in the world.” In the long history of our country, the vast working people have created splendid culture and science and technology. In the great struggle of working people for the development of science and technology, the two different ideological and political lines of Confucianism and Legalism play a diametrically opposite role. The conservative and backward Confucianist reactionary political line and the idealistic metaphysics view of nature greatly hindered the development of science and technology. The legalist revolution, the progressive political line and the simple view of materialism promoted the development of science and technology effect. Today, we must persist in using Marxist standpoints, opinions and methods to conduct an in-depth study of the relationship between the Confucian and the law struggles and the development of science and technology, and help us to further correctly understand the relations between the ideological and political lines and scientific and technological work so as to raise the awareness of class struggle and the line struggle. It is of great practical significance to carry forward the revolutionary spirit of independence and self-reliance and to climb the new peak of science and technology. These articles are the pieces written by our workers, students and teachers and from the Marxist point of view of the historical experience of the struggle between Confucianism and law in science and technology. - - Editor
请您谈谈中国的投影机市场的状况。中国目前投影机市场状况是这样的,2004年中国市场销售量是26万台,05年36万台,06年销售不到48万台,预计到2007年会达到65.5万台。按照 Plea
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