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美籍奥地利植物学家、探险家、学者约瑟夫·洛克半个世纪前在云南金沙江、澜沧江、怒江三江并流区生活、工作了28年,写下数百万字记述纳西族历史与文化的著作,拍摄了数千张反映三江及其流域自然生态、民族风情的图片并将其推介给全世界。20世纪上半世纪,柏格理、王树德、高志华、张道惠等英国传教士,在以贵州威宁石门(石门坎)为中心的乌蒙山区,创造了数个文化、教育、体育、医疗史上的奇迹:首次创制苗文,结束了苗族无母语文字的历史;首次创办乌蒙山区民族学校;首次在西南苗族、彝族地区实行男女生同校(比蔡元培先生1912年提出男女同校早7年);首次实践双语(汉语、苗语)教学;首次在西南地区建设足球场、游泳池;首次在乌蒙山区创办医院、孤儿院、麻风病医院……到上个世纪40年代,柏格理等传教士和苗、彝、汉族有识之士,已先后在云贵乌蒙山区创建小学、中学96所,盲人学校2所,并为苗、彝族培养出包括4个博士在内的一大批少数民族知识分子。王大卫的《天地无极》和《寻找那些灵魂》,以洛克、柏格理在中国的经历为主线,生动记述了发生在20世纪上半叶这段令人感动和震撼的历史。 American Austrian botanist, explorer and scholar Joseph Locke lived in the Jinsha River, the Lancang River and the Three Parallel Rivers areas of the Nujiang River half a century ago for 28 years and wrote millions of words describing the history and culture of the Naxi people Works, shot thousands of pictures of Sanjiang and its basin reflects the natural ecology, ethnic customs and promote it to the world. During the first half of the 20th century, British missionaries such as Berger, Wang Shide, Gao Zhihua and Zhang Daohui created a number of cultural, educational, sports and medical history in the Wumeng Mountain area centered on Shihmen in Weining, Guizhou Miracle: the first creation of the Miao language, ending the history of the Miao minority without written language; the creation of the Wumeng Mountain National School for the first time; the first implementation of male and female students in the Miao and Yi ethnic regions in the southwest (compared with Cai Yuanpei’s proposal of co- ); For the first time practicing bilingual (Chinese, Hmong) teaching; for the first time in the southwestern region to build football stadiums, swimming pools; for the first time in the Wumeng Mountain area founded a hospital, orphanage, leprosy hospital ... ... to the last century 40’s, Missionaries and Miao, Yi, and Han people of insight have successively set up 96 primary schools, 96 middle schools and two blind schools in Wumeng Mountain, Yunnan Province, and have trained a large number of ethnic minorities including Miao and Yi Intellectuals Wang Dawei’s “Heaven and Earth Promise” and “Looking for Those Souls” vividly described the touching and shocking history that took place in the first half of the 20th century with Locke and Berger’s experiences in China as the main line.
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龙锐,云南省送变电工程公司电气施工队队长,2010年度南方电网公司技术能手,2009年所负责的500千伏和平变扩建工程被评为云南省送变电工程公司优秀项目。 Long Rui, Yunnan P
锅,在饮食行业中使用十分广泛,而那些被烹饪名师使用过的锅,更是被涂抹上了一层神秘的色彩。苏州陆蒿荐的酱汁肉口味独特、遐迩闻名,据说就因为那口与众不同的锅。 在新雅粤
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●圆形包装法 包装方法 ●纸的尺寸测量正确即能包得美丽 缎带打法 ●重叠十字打法,以3色的缎带装饰出8字形的蝴蝶结D。 ● Round packaging method ● The size of the pa