江泽民同志在纪念建党75周年座谈会上指出:“要把一个稳定的充满发展活力和生机的中国带人21世纪,要使我国在21世纪中叶基本实现现代化,以现代化强国的地位屹立于国际社会,取决于党的基本理论和基本路线的长期坚持,归根到底取决于广大青年及年轻干部的健康成长。” 培养优秀年轻干部,既是无产阶级革命领袖的一贯要求,也是关系到党和国家前途命运的一个十分紧迫的问题。早在党的六届六中全会,毛泽东同志就指出:“有计划地培养大批的新干部,就是我们的战斗任务。”邓小平同志也曾指出“解决组织路线问题,最大
Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out at the symposium on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the Party: “If we want to bring a stable and viable China full of vitality and vitality to the 21st century and basically bring about the modernization of our country by the middle of the 21st century and stand as a powerful modern nation in the international community Depends on the party’s basic theory and the long-term adherence to the basic line which, in the final analysis, depends on the healthy growth of the vast number of young people and young cadres. ”Cultivating outstanding young cadres is not only the consistent demand of the proletarian revolutionary leaders but also the destiny of the party and the country A very urgent problem. As early as the 6th Plenary Session of the 6th Central Committee of the Party, Comrade Mao Tse-tung pointed out: “It is our battle task to train a large number of new cadres in a planned way.” Comrade Deng Xiaoping also pointed out: "To solve the issue of organizational routes,