先看下面一则材料: 1987年1月,75名诺贝尔奖金获得者聚会于巴黎,有人同其中一位获奖者:“你在哪所大学、哪个实验室学到了你认为最重要的东西?”这位白发苍苍的学者的回答是:“在幼儿园。”“在幼儿园你学到了什么呢?”学者回答道:“把自己的东西分一半给小伙伴们,不是自己的东西不要拿,东西要放整齐,吃饭前要洗手,做错了事要表示道歉,午饭后要休息,要仔细观察周围的大自然。从根本上说,我学的全部东西就是这些。”
Look at one of the following materials: In January 1987, 75 Nobel Prize winners met in Paris, with one of the winners: “In which university did you learn what you think is the most important? The white-haired scholar replied, ”In kindergarten.“ ”What did you learn in kindergarten?“ The scholar replied: ”Give yourself half of the stuff to your little friends, not your own, Things should be neatly packed, handwashing before eating, apologizing for the wrong things, taking a rest after lunch, and carefully observing the surrounding nature. "Basically, all I learned was that.