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我们金田轻纺工贸股份有限公司,是深圳首家由国营企业改造为股份制的公司,原名是深圳市纺织工业供销公司,为深圳市纺织工业公司的下属企业,成立于1982年。公司创业的时候,开办费只有5000元,一部手推车,一间40多平方米的小铁皮房,十几个人。几年来,我们靠国家政策,靠合理经营,靠服务态度,靠信誉白手起家。逐步发展壮大,到今天,企业资产已达1200万元,属下有自办、内联、合资的12个企业,1987年纯利润为480万元,创汇1.1亿港元。一、股份制改造的基本认识和做法国营企业实行股份制改造,既没有现成的模式,又没有可资借鉴的经验。我们只能摸索着前进。1、统一思想,提高认识。我们公司原来实行承包经营责任制,经济效益也不错,为 Jintian Light Textile Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. is the first company in Shenzhen transformed from a state-owned enterprise into a joint-stock company. Its original name was Shenzhen Textile Industry Supply and Marketing Co., Ltd., a subordinate enterprise of Shenzhen Textile Industry Company. It was established in 1982. When the company started its business, the start-up fee was only 5,000 yuan, a trolley, a small iron house of more than 40 square meters, and more than a dozen people. Over the past few years, we have relied on national policies, relying on rational management, relying on service, and relying on reputation to start from scratch. With the gradual development and expansion, to date, corporate assets have reached 12 million yuan, belonging to 12 companies with self-employed, in-line, and joint-venture companies. In 1987, the net profit was 4.8 million yuan and foreign exchange earned was 110 million Hong Kong dollars. First, the basic understanding of the reform of joint-stock system and the implementation of joint-stock reform of French-run companies, there is no ready-made model, and there is no experience that can be used for reference. We can only fumble forward. 1. Unify ideas and raise awareness. Our company originally implemented the responsibility system of contracted operations, and its economic benefits are also good.
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