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选用5份籼稻恢复系和6份长穗大粒种质资源,按照NCII交配设计,对7个产量性状进行配合力和遗传力分析。结果表明,所考查的7个产量性状的遗传受亲本基因加性效应和显性效应的影响,基因加性效应起主要作用。除了株高、结实率、丛有效穗、单株产量外,其他性状的遗传表达受长穗大粒种质资源的影响较大。丛有效穗、单株产量除了受亲本特殊配合力的影响外,恢复系的一般配合力起着决定性的作用。株高、千粒重的狭义遗传力较高,可早代严格选择;主穗长度、每穗总粒数、结实率、丛有效穗、单株产量狭义遗传力较低,早代选择效果不佳。CD-1在多个性状上一般配合力最好;CD-4、CD-5可作为大粒型育种的农艺亲本。R527×CD-3作为选育大穗或重穗型亲本的优异组合;多系一号×CD-4作为选育多穗型亲本的组合;R527×CD-1作为选育大粒型亲本的组合。 Five indica restorer lines and six long-spike germplasm resources were selected. Based on the NCII mating design, the combining ability and heritability of seven yield traits were analyzed. The results showed that the genetic traits of the seven yield traits examined were affected by the additive and dominant effects of the parental genes and the additive effects of the genes played a major role. In addition to the plant height, seed setting rate, effective panicle per panicle, and single plant yield, the genetic expression of other traits was significantly influenced by the germplasm resources of long panicles. In addition to the effect of the special combining ability of the parents, the effective yield per plant, the general combining ability of the restorer lines plays a decisive role. Plant height and 1000-grain weight have a narrow sense of heritability and may be selected strictly in the early days. Ear length, total grain number per panicle, seed setting rate, effective panicles per panicle, and narrow heritability per plant yield are poorly selected in early generation. CD-1 has the best general combining ability among multiple traits; CD-4 and CD-5 can be used as agronomic parents for large grain-type breeding. R527 × CD-3 was used as the excellent combination of large-spike or panicle-typed parents; Line 1 × CD-4 was selected as the combination of multiple-spike parents; and R527 × CD-1 was used as the combination of large-sized parents .
关键词 颅脑损伤 观察 护理    随着社会的发展,由基建、交通所致的脑外伤严重威胁人的生命安全。据统计,我国的脑外伤发生率约24/10万人,男性居多。颅脑外伤病人进展快,术前急救及术中麻醉至关重要。外伤性脑疝是颅脑损伤后最严重的结果,如不能及时发现,则将迅速危及生命。影响预后的因素主要取决于脑组织的损伤部位、损伤程度及患者年龄等。高压氧是脑外伤康复治疗最重要的手段。就颅脑损伤病人的观察与护理论述
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield