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  Prince William’s four-year stay at St. Andrews would draw the interest of the world’s media. To protect the Prince, an agreement was made banning camera crews and press, except on selected occasions, meaning Will, as he was known, could live university life much like any other student.
  But, a year into his studies, Prince William was finding it hard to settle in his art history course, the same course as his friend Kate Middleton. It’s said that Kate’s persuasive character made William stay, and he switched to geography. Late in their first year, the friends moved into a house-share together, but not before William attended a student fashion show, where Kate was revealed in a new light.
  Jules Knight (William’s Fellow Student): I think that was the moment when everyone realised how beautiful she was. There was this lovely, 1)unassuming girl, who also had a sexy side as well, and she got up there and she2)flaunted her stuff and looked fantastic.
  Geordie Greig (Editor): All her contemporaries at St. Andrews saw her as the most attractive girl there.
  By now their friendship was growing closer, and they were getting to know one another, 3)warts and all.
  Kate spent her early years in the English county of Berkshire, 60 miles outside London. It was an ordinary childhood amongst 4)genteel villages and rolling fields. Born six months before William, on January the 9th, 1982, Katherine Elizabeth Middleton is the eldest child of Carol and Michael Middleton.
  Chris Robben (Editor): Kate comes from a very stable middle-class family: her parents run their own business. They both were in the airline business—initially her mom, a 5)stewardess and father, a pilot. She’s got a younger sister, Pippa, and James, a younger brother, so it was normal stuff. They’re really very much like a lot of ordinary, middle-class families. Not, certainly, someone you’d expect to be marrying into the royal family.
  It was at his “passing-out parade” at 6)Sandhurst in late 2006 that Kate made her most significant appearance in the presence of the senior royals, accompanied by her parents. The occasion, however, did not pass without 7)controversy.
  Piers Morgans (Broadcaster & Journalist): The cameras caught Kate’s mom chewing gum during the Sandhurst parade, and this was a social disaster. You just do not…one does not chew gum at the passing-out parade. Well, I felt quite sorry for her. You know, I don’t think she probably gave it a moment’s thought. She’s probably incredibly nervous. I mean, if you’re the mother of the potential future Queen of England, and you’re surrounded by the in-laws-to-be, it’d be terrifying. A little crafty bit of gum to calm your nerves, and the next thing you know everyone’s going, “Oh, this is a disaster! I mean you can’t have a gum-chewing mother-in-law.” So that was the kind of thing I think you…you buy yourself into as a family. It’s not just about Kate, it’s about all her family. They’re all wedding into this.
  So what is it that binds these two together?
  Hannah Sandling (Friend of William & Kate): I think the key to their relationship is independence. They have their own friendships, they have their own hobbies, they don’t hang around each other’s necks and 8)suffocate each other. They’ve been through so much together: they’ve been such good friends, you know, through university, coming out of university, and I think, because of all of that, it’s made the bond between them super strong—totally 9)indestructible.
  Geordie Greig: They enjoy the same jokes, they enjoy the same sort of outdoorsy good fun, and she knows how to make him feel relaxed and that he doesn’t have to worry about her when they’re together in public.
  Ollie Baines (William’s Fellow Student): She’s very calm and very collected, and together they are a very calm and collected couple. You might sort of think, “Isn’t it very serious that people who met, you know, mid-twenties are that close to one another?” But with those two, it really works, because, they, you know, they’re totally meant for each other.
  Scenes of Prince William, his brother, Prince Harry, and Kate partying and clubbing, became familiar in ways unthinkable in previous royal generations. But with great strength of character, Kate has always been careful to manage both hers and William’s public image.
  Chris Robben:Where Prince William has always been seen as the good boy against Prince Harry the bad boy…actually, a lot of the time when he was at university, you know, he’d sunk a few 10)pints. The truth is, she’d be the one who’d be pulling him back a little bit an saying, “You need to calm down a little bit, just in case you’re caught out.”
  Geordie Greig: You’ve never seen her exit a nightclub apart from in the most elegant and supremely poised way, even if it is 3 AM.
  Chris Robben: They’ll be great ambassadors together on a public stage—young, good-looking, intelligent—but they’ll be great ambassadors for Great Britain, 11)PLC.
  Hilary Alexander (Fashion Director): The country’s struggling through a recession, you know, economic gloom everywhere you turn—everything’s doom and gloom—and to have this is just like a rainbow. I think it’s fabulous!
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提起社会实践,大家脑子里可能想到的是学校规定、实习、找工作等这些比较功利的字眼。可是如果撇开这些因素,我们还需要社会实践吗?以下两篇关于中学生走出课堂的报道给了我们肯定的回答。    Seeing Is Believing眼见为实    While many students in the 1)Wabash Valley enjoyed the day off, others traded boo
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Love me or leave me   But please don’t deceive me   And say you love me how I am   You love the way   I fit some ideal   Not the real woman   You’ve yet to understand   See love 1)ain’t all heaven   A