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  Seeing Is Believing眼见为实
  While many students in the 1)Wabash Valley enjoyed the day off, others traded books and pencils for 2)rafts and oars. A little cool rain and cool weather could not discourage a hands-on experience of the Valley’s 3)namesake.
  Reporter: Class in the great outdoors.
  A rite of passage for every eighth-grader in Sullivan County, rafting and learning down the Wabash River.
  Student A: It’s very fun. It’s kinda sad how much pollution’s in there.
  Reporter: Although many students have lived near the river all their lives, for most it’s their first experience on the water, and they are surprised by what they see.
  Student B: It’s, it’s sad, all the....There’s tires an’ a bus an’ a bunch o’ stuff on the river.
  Reporter: About 300 eighth-graders make the one-day trip from Riverview, near Fairbanks, down to Hudsonville. Learning about the history of the area as well as water quality and testing. It’s a conclusion of a week’s worth of work in the classroom.
  John Gettinger (8th Grade Teacher): Kids don’t get a chance to come out and enjoy nature like this, and so this is really a good thing for us.
  Reporter: It’s fun, but it doesn’t come free. It cost $8,500 for the three trips combined, but organizers say without the help of more than 100 volunteers and countless support from the community it would cost more than $45,000.
  Judy Bengochea (Sullivan Co. Soil & Water CNSRV): It’s really gratifying to see the community come out like this, and for the kids.
  Reporter: It’s the ninth year for the trip. Bengoachea hopes this crop of kids has a different attitude about the environment at the end, one they will share with their parents.
  Student A: And I’ve seen it several times, but never actually in the middle of it.
  Student B: I never thought it’d be like this polluted. Everything is just pretty bad.
  Reporter: And that view is the payoff for all those involved.
  Building Is Learning动手创造
  High school students in 4)Loving get an opportunity to build a variety of skills while building a home from the ground up. Joe Bartels visited the town today, where students cut the ribbon on their major project, which also features a lot of new technology.
  Reporter: Students finally got a chance to show off the project they’d been working so hard to create. A new home is a source of pride for students and teachers alike.
  Brigido Garcia (Instructor): Oh, it’s, you can’t describe the rewards, you know, the feeling that of the accomplishment of the milestone.
  Reporter: This new home features some of the latest technologies used in home construction. From the foundation up, high school students were responsible for learning how to piece it all together.
  Student C: When I came into this field I didn’t know how to build anything, and so now I got a little bit of knowledge on buildin’ a house and I’m taking college classes for…in the construction field. That way I can go into this.
  Reporter: Students installed wireless technology throughout the house and used green materials to help 5)insulate the walls. Instructors say their biggest challenge was keeping the kids away from the site.
  Brigido: The hardest part was for me to get them to focus on learning and not on building. “We want to go to the site, let’s do this.” Wait a minute. We have to learn what we’re gonna do first.
  Reporter: It took 13 months and nearly three dozen students, but this home is finally move-in ready. In just a few weeks the program will start a second home. For the next build, students plan to use solar power and other technologies.
  The school district went to the Legislature and got some funding. It also got help from big corporations like Microsoft. The house is now in the process of being sold for about $147,000. Officials say they will use that money to start another student-built home.
When I was one-and-twenty  I heard a wise man say,  “Give crowns and pounds and 1)guineas  But not your heart away;  Give pearls away and 2)rubies  But keep your fancy free.”  But I was one-and-twenty
我们可以把多元的文化编成五彩的织锦,也可以编成朴实的诗篇……  在2010年的温哥华冬奥会上,来自西北特区的诗人谢恩·科伊赞(Shane Koyczan)在台上朗读其创作的、代表加拿大精义的诗作《We Are More》,获得掌声一片。  每个国家、每个民族都不是单一的独立个体,它过往历史的点滴,都将影响着这个世界的一颦一笑。    When defining Canada  You might
给自己的棺材完成粉饰的画家和狂野不羁的骑士,这可能都不是你心目中阿根廷人的形象。但正是他们与优雅的探戈舞和粗放的足球一起,成就了阿根廷多彩的混合文化。    Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world, covering more than one million square miles.   Tango has been a lif
热热闹闹的欧美乐坛,90后的歌手崭露头角已经不让人感到意外。不过,1994年出生的贾斯汀·比伯如今掀起的席卷全球的热潮,却还是让人倍感惊诧。他的歌、他的舞、他稚气的面孔,都仿佛预示着这股旋风式的热浪还仅仅只是一个开始。    Interviewer: You know, he’s just 15 years old, but his videos have been viewed more tha
悠长暑期,谁不想出外欢欢喜喜的度个假?可是,遇到当前的经济不景气,大家口袋中“米米”不够,真有点愁云惨雾的样子。不要紧,我们来听听一段美式的“海派清口”吧,尽管出的都是馊主意,但好歹能让我们一笑忘忧。    Hey, can you smell it? What’s that? 1)Old Spice. It’s Old Spice.  Welcome, sir, wherever you are
提起美国总统的专机,人们总会想到赫赫有名的空军一号(Air Force One)。相比之下,把总统从白宫送到大型喷气机空军一号舷梯旁的海军陆战队一号直升机的名气就差多了。可事实上,总统乘坐它的次数比空军一号要多得多。我们一起来看看总统一段短暂的行程吧。    The President is on the move. The President is always on the move. Whe
有个当总统的爹,搭个便车,全世界周游一番,在很多人看来,或许是理所当然的。但是,美国总统奥巴马一家却因此遭到一些媒体的非议。美滋滋的旅程惹出这么个麻烦,奥巴马姐妹的假期也真有那么点小囧。    Children of presidents often get to see and experience things other kids only dream of, and the Obama g
他们的面孔:稚嫩、古怪、漠然……  他们的举止:随便、轻佻、傻气……  他们的性格:叛逆、张扬、自恋……    他们有一个别号:Y世代,也被称为脆弱的一代,玩乐的一代,他们的一举一动总会惹来前辈们的种种非议。或许,你正是这一群人中的一员,但是你就此甘于为人所诟病?  存在即是合理。(All that is real is rational; and all that is rational is
如果你爱看韩剧,看过《我的名字叫金三顺》,或许你会记得一个片段:金三顺在公车站台读一首诗,还没读完,双眼就满含泪水。那首诗大意是这样的:去爱吧,如同不曾受过伤害一样/跳舞吧,就像没有人注视你一样/唱歌吧,如同没有人聆听一样/工作吧,如同不需要金钱一样/活着吧,如同今天是末日一样。  这首诗最先出自一位名叫 Alfred D’Souza 的神父之手。我们中的许多人未必爱看韩剧,未必看过《我的名字叫金
音乐小辞典  Reggae(又译作雷吉乐)是一种特殊的牙买加风格的音乐,是在上世纪60年代发展起来的。“父亲”是一种名为Rocksteady的摇滚音乐风格,“爷爷”是比较乡土的Ska风格(一种uptempo风格的音乐)。这三种一脉相承的音乐风格,都根源于加勒比地区的非裔民族传统音乐以及黑人布鲁斯音乐,强弱分明的节拍蕴涵着无尽的热情和慵懒放松之感。    [Refrain:]  You can ge