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据某县供电部门1994年底的最新调查,全县2O多个乡镇电力管理站共有职工349名,而按照所管辖的电力设备容量和所从事的用电管理业务量来看,最多只需252人,人员超编率高达38.49%。 在经济比较落后、就业渠道不宽的地区,乡镇电力管理站因工资、福利比较稳定,一向颇受青睐。乡镇干部、甚至县市干部的亲属,纷纷往电管站塞,有的乡(镇)长没有职业的爱人常常挂名吃饷。乡镇领导还经常把卸任的村党支部书记安置到电管站,或委以一官半职,或照顾拿工资养老。有些政策性安置人员还指定要到电管站,比如有个抗美援朝残废军人,1992年落实政策后就非电管站不去,经县长办公会研究安置到乡站。还有一个军队离休老干部儿子车祸死亡后,要求政府把媳妇安置进家乡的镇电管站,镇政府只得办理。 乡镇电管站人员的严重超编,随之产生了人员素质参差不齐、服务水准下降、安全管理难抓等消极因素,但最令人忧虑的则是会变相增加广大用电群众的 According to the latest survey conducted by the county’s power supply department at the end of 1994, there are 349 employees in 2O township power management stations in the county, and according to the power equipment capacity and the amount of power management business under its jurisdiction, only 252 people are required. The rate of overstaffing was as high as 38.49%. In areas where the economy is relatively backward and where the employment channels are not wide, township power management stations have always been favored because of relatively stable wages and benefits. The relatives of the township and township cadres, and even the county and city cadres, all rushed to the power management station. Some township (town) chiefs often had no professional lover to name themselves. Township leaders often relocate the retired village Party branch secretary to the electric management station, or appoint an official half-time, or take care of the wages and pensions. Some policy-based resettlement personnel also designated to go to power management stations. For example, there was a disabled soldier who fought against the United States and assisted the DPRK. After the implementation of the policy in 1992, the non-electricity management station did not go through and the county government office would study and relocate to the township station. After the death of a military corps of a retired veteran cadre, the son of the army asked the government to relocate the wife to the township power station. The town government had to handle it. The serious overstaffing of township power management station personnel has led to negative factors such as uneven quality of personnel, declining service levels, and difficult security management. However, the most worrying factor is that it will disguisedly increase the number of power users.
1994年11月份,我村实行了储蓄购电。具体做法是: 1.储蓄购电的好处。我每月收电费都要跑路、串户、费时费力,既影响工作又耽误农活。为了减少收费的不便,杜绝“三电”,按时
自1995年初克莱斯勒公司收购日本Saison Seibu汽车销售公司的子公司——SMS公司以后,法国别儒/雪铁龙集团(PSA)在日本的汽车销售业务受到阻碍.经多方努力,最近该公司终于又建
为了永保在世人眼中开拓、进取的形象,雪铁龙公司在添置产品开发设施上毫不怜惜钱财。 In order to maintain the image of pioneering and enterprising people in the eyes