1966年7月1日,中国人民解放军战略导弹部队领导机关在北京宣告成立,周恩来总理亲自命名:第二炮兵。年轻的共和国从此有了自己的战略导弹部队。 从此,一支支神秘的部队走进荒原、走进深山、走进人迹罕至的地方,为共和国铸造和平之剑。 江主席要求二炮在政治上“特别坚定,特别过硬,特别可靠” 进入20世纪90年代,江主席站在世界战略全局的高度,充分肯定战略导弹部队的重要地位:战略导弹部队是我国军事力量的重要组成部分,是我们国家地位的重要支柱,在捍卫国家主权、领土完整和维护世
On July 1, 1966, the leading organ of the strategic missile force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was proclaimed in Beijing. Premier Zhou Enlai personally named the Second Artillery Corps. Since then, the young republic has its own strategic missile force. Since then, a mysterious force went into the wilderness, into the mountains, into the inaccessible place, for the Republic of casting a sword of peace. President Jiang called on the Second Artillery to enter the 1990s with the words “particularly firm, super-strong and especially reliable.” In the 1990s, Chairman Jiang stood at the height of the overall global strategy and fully affirmed the important position of the strategic missile force: the strategic missile force is the military force of our country Is an important pillar of our country’s status. In safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial integrity and safeguarding the world