Heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risk in reclaimed soils in Huainan mining area

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hu549881262
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In order to determine the environmental quality condition of reclaimed soils inHuainan mining area, soil samples were collected from three representative mines, suchas Panyi Mine, Xinzhuangzi Mine and Datong Mine.The total concentration of Cd, Hg, Cu,Pb and As in the samples were analyzed.The potential ecological risk was used to evaluatethe heavy metals pollution.The investigation reveals that the reclaimed soils are contaminatedto a certain degree and the trace elements in coal gangue transferred to thesurface soil.The order of potential ecological risk is Cd>Hg>Cu>Pb>As; the pollution degreeof each sampling site is arranged in the following order: Xinzhuangzi Mine>DatongMine>Panyi Mine, and the multiform of heavy metals of potential ecological risk index is at357.35~484.62. In order to determine the environmental quality condition of reclaimed soils inHuainan mining area, soil samples were collected from three representative mines, suchas Panyi Mine, Xinzhuangzi Mine and Datong Mine.The total concentration of Cd, Hg, Cu, Pb and As in the samples were analyzed. The potential ecological risk was used to evaluate the heavy metals pollution. The investigation reveals that the reclaimed soils are contaminatedto a certain degree and the trace elements in coal gangue transferred to the surface soil. the order of potential ecological risk is Cd> Hg> Cu> Pb> As; the pollution degree of each sampling site is arranged in the following order: Xinzhuangzi Mine> DatongMine> Panyi Mine, and the multiform of heavy metals of potential ecological risk index is at357.35 ~ 484.62.
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