Maya On The Move

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Like all great basketball players,WNBA star Maya Moore is always looking ahead.She wants to make sure the world’s kids have a bright future.So she teamed up with UNICEF on its Kid Power Bands.The fitness bands allow kids to earn points by being active.The points unlock funds(基金)to provide food for hungry kids.Moore is also training to be part of Team Like all great basketball players, WNBA star Maya Moore is always looking ahead. She wants to make sure the world’s kids have a bright future.So she teamed up with UNICEF on Its Kid Power Bands.The fitness bands allow kids to earn points by being active.The points unlock funds (funds) to provide food for hungry kids.Moore is also training to be part of Team
A kindergarten teacher decided to let her class play a game.The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag with a few potatoes.Each potat
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宋代本草学的发展为我国本草史上的“鼎盛时代”.作为杂谈形式的《梦溪笔谈》在中药学上的成就,同样为世人所瞩目. 沈括(公元1031~1095年),浙江钱塘人,字存中,为我国北宋著名
宽容是一种美德。夫妻间的宽容,使家庭和睦;同事间的宽容,使团结增强;朋友间的宽容,使友谊长久;上司与下属之间的宽容,使上下同心、事业兴旺。 人人都有给予别人宽容的权利,