Analysis and Design of Soils and Terrain Digital Database (SOTER) Management System Based on Object-

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A SOTER management system was developed by analyzing, designing, programming, testing, repeated proceeding and progressing based on the object-oriented method. The function of the attribute database management is inherited and expanded in the new system. The integrity and security of the SOTER database are enhanced. The attribute database management, the spatial database management and the model base are integrated into SOTER based on the component object model (COM), and the graphical user interface (GUI) for Windows is used to interact with clients, thus being easy to create and maintain the SOTER, and convenient to promote the quantification and automation of soil information application. A SOTER management system was developed by analyzing, designing, programming, testing, repeated proceeding and progressing based on the object-oriented method. The function of the attribute database management is inherited and expanded in the new system. The integrity and security of the SOTER The database is enhanced. The attribute database management, the spatial database management and the model base are integrated into SOTER based on the component object model (COM), and the graphical user interface (GUI) for Windows is used to interact with clients, thus being easy to create and maintain the SOTER, and convenient to promote the quantification and automation of soil information application.
一、背景介绍  近日,笔者执教了修订版PEP Unit 4 I have a pen pal 第五课时Read and write。为了提高阅读教学的有效性,笔者根据文本的特点和学生的认知特点,尝试运用思维导
A series of hydrophobically associating polyacrylamides modified by small amounts(
在一次省级课堂教学研讨活动中,笔者观摩了杭州市学军小学韩砚老师执教的修订版PEP 四(上)Unit 6 Meet my family Part A Read and write,主要对教师如何在读写课中实现拨动已知
一  1986年5月下旬,时任全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长的彭真,离京外出视察工作。在赴山西的火车上,他对身边的工作人员讲:“你们都劝我顺路到老家看一看,我考虑再三,还是不去为好。我那个村里至今派性残余还没有消除,我家里在‘文革’中死了三口人,亲属心中还有气,我回去了他们可能会产生别的想法。虽然我很想回去给老母亲上坟,但一想到这些问题,还是不回去好。”  彭真的家乡在山西临汾地区侯马市。当彭真
引言 农业科学基础研究是农业科学研究的重要组成部分,是农业技术进步的源泉,是推动农业可持续发展的动力。科学研究的国际化是基础研究发展的时代特征,国际合作与交流对于