English culture and teaching

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  Abstract:It’s every teacher’s responsibility to improve students’ language skills. English is the important carrier of culture for speakingenglish countries. So English teaching should be a combination of language and culture. English teaching should be pay attention to cultural knowledge of English. In this paper, we will discuss the relationship between English cultural background knowledge and English teaching, and propose how to use English cultural background knowledge in English teaching .
  Key words:culture;English;teaching
  Language is an important part of the culture, the language can’t exist without the culture background. So it is impossible to learn language very well without understanding the culture of the country. Only when the relationship between language and culture is handled well and the cultural difference is sufficiently understood ,which will improve students’language quality indeed. In the foreign language teaching, culture means the history , contacting with and understanding the culture of English spoken countries are beneficial to the comprehension and usage of English. When the students level improve, teachers should extend the fields of the foreign culture that students contact with, so it can help enlarge their horizon. It is good for students to study English very well.
  1Language and culture
  It is good for teachingEnglish well to know the relationship between language and culture . When we want to know the relations between language and culture. First of all, we should know what culture is. Some teachers regard culture as a compound unity. They think that culture include knowledge, art, law, morality, style and any ability or custom which are obtained by people as social member. And some people think that culture consists of all shaped products of human society, they think that culture consists of all the shaped products of human society. It means that we can say cities organizations and schools are culture. So, we can draw a conclusion. A language in a society is a part of that society’s culture.[1]
  Language play a very important role in culture. Language can’t be taken away from culture.When learning a foreign language,people should make out the culture of the nation who speak the language. If the unification between languageteaching and social culture knowledge teaching is neglected, the understanding and grasping of the language will greatly be affected and pragmatic failures will appear in communication. We can not teach a language without teaching a culture. And the purpose of this study is to discuss some problems on present cultural teaching in China. [2]   2The importance of cultural teaching
  Language and culture can not be separated. Therefore , people should strengthen cultural teaching during the course of teaching English. The college English Teaching Programme definitely requires that the aims for Englishteaching is to consolidate and enrich the students knowledge, to develop the basic ability of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and to train the students to use English in communication in both spoken and written forms.[3] There is no language without any background knowledge. Different countries have different background knowledge. Even the same words may have different meanings in different countries. Many students complain that they spend much time in listening, but little achievement has been acquired. In order to improve their listening competence, some students specially buy tape recorders for listening and spend quite a few hours every day on it, but when they meet some new materials, they still fail to understand. What’re the reasons? On the one hand, maybe some students’ English is very poor and they haven’t grasped enough vocabularies, clear grammar or correct pronunciation, or maybe the material is rather difficult, etc. On the other hand, an important reason is that they are unfamiliar with cultural background of the USA and England.[4]
  As people are diverse, customs are diverse. So the differences often arise in using of language because of the differences in customs. For example, when someone praises your English is very good, American and Chinese applies to compliments are different.[5]It is clear that cultural background is necessary in language teaching. Teachers should help students solve the difficulties in language as well as in culture.[6]Thus, it must improve our quality of teaching further. If people wants to understand an article, they should try to get the main idea and try to calculates, judge and infer according to the information given by the article. So they should master some background knowledge besides English language knowledge.
  3The principals, methods, contents and measures of cultural education
  English language knowledge is improved by the stage, and the cognition level need to be developed gradually, therefore, the integration of cultural contents should be gradual, from simple to complex.Make students get a comprehensive understanding of the target language country’s politics, economy and cultural background knowledge. Overall, startup stage emphasizes on culture of communication and higher stage focuses on culture of knowledge.   Appropriate principle requires that we select the contents of teaching and the number is proper. It requires teachers prepare some cultural contents related to the language contents, function items and general topics in daily communication. These should be available at the basic stage. But these terms should not be just translated word by word;pragmatic and cultural connotations should be understood. In addition, at early stage indoctrination courses should not be too much, affecting teaching of basic knowledge. [7]
  4The content of cultural teaching
  Cultural factors that interfere communication include social forms, social knowledge, view of value (the relations between man and nature, religious beliefs, moral concepts, views of life, world view and so on),features of thinking (the different between Chinese and the western countries in the features of thinking. )
  5The implementation of cultural teaching
  Teachers of English should explain or replenish the words, expressions and the texts, which contain cultural meaning. Teachers should also introduce relative cultural knowledge and background knowledge in the form of language or nonlanguage.[8]
  Literary works are a mirror reflecting a nation’s culture, and they can vividly and concretely reflect the nation’s habits and characteristics, states of mind, customs, and social relationship and so on. The communicative ability is not only the simple additions of the ability of language and culture, but the result of plenty of practice.[9]Learners should master the social culture knowledge in time through communication. If not, they canhardly make any improvement in social ability and even the communicative ability. Therefore, when teachers take measures to make their class better, they should actively make the best use of the second classroom. They should encourage the students to take part in plenty of extracurricular activities, such as listening to English broadcast, watching English firms, reading English newspapers and magazines, taking part in English contests, acting out English plays, learning to sing English songs and so on.[10]
  In face of the English teachingin 21 century, the core of the education is “to train the students to become generalists, who have solid foundation, wide range of knowledge, broad train of thought, strong social adaptive ability, emergencemanaging ability, selfdetermination ability and good quality in body and mind,” Therefore, language teaching, cultural teaching, and moral teaching should be involved in the English teaching. Since the English classes aim to expand their knowledge, teachers should lay emphasis on enlarging their cultural views, strengthening the sensitivity and adaptability about cultural differences and improving their crosscultural communicative ability. Meanwhile, English teachers should continuously enlarge their own range of knowledge, improve their own understanding of social culture, vastly absorb the latest cultural information of the Englishspeaking countries and merge these information with the teaching practice.
  [1] Goodman K. S. Reading:A psycholinguistic Guessing Game[J].Journal of Reading,1976.
  [2] Anderson RC.Frame Works for Comprehending Discourse[J].American Educational Research Journal,1997(14):369.
  [3] 鄧炎昌.语言与文化[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1998.
  [4] 关于外语专业教育改革的建议[J].外语界,1998(1).
  [5] 胡文仲.文化与交际[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1994.
  [6] 吴长镛.美国英语中的恭维语[J].国外外语教学,1996(1).
  [7] 胡文仲,高一虹.外语教学与文化[M].湖南教育出版社,1997.
  [8] 李立贵.谈谈文化背景知识传授的方法[J].国外外语教学,1998.
  [9] 宋飞.文化背景在外语教学中的作用[J].外语教学,1998(2).
  [10] 王勇.在语言教学中培养跨文化交际能力[J].国外外语教学,1998(4).
摘要:沈周出身诗画世家,祖上收藏甚丰,对古人诗画见多识广,但他一生不仕,淡泊功名,博览群学,以丹青自适,专心从事艺术,毕生勤於诗画创作,声誉卓著,德高望重。沈周的艺术质朴而有情致,画风纯化,刻苦研究前人的优秀理论与技法,融会贯通,创立了自己的风格。在绘画、书法和文学艺术方面都取得了卓越的成就,其最杰出的当表现在绘画方面。  关键词:沈周;庐山高图;山水画  沈周,字启南,号石田,晚号白石翁,江苏长
摘要:文章重点探讨了绘画艺术市场的未来发展趋势,为今后绘画艺术市场发展方向提供必要的指导。  关键词:绘画艺术市场;未来;趋势  1绘画艺术品市场整体上呈现上升发展趋势  (1)绘画艺术品的消费持续扩大,消费品数量增加。随着社会主义经济的不断增长,广大人民群众的生活水平日益提升,社会的消费结构与需求结构出现了新的变化。广大人民群众开始强调高精神文化含量的生活方式,社会经济渐渐向精神文化消费靠拢,对
摘要:油画创作过程中调色、用色没有固定的配方和方法,色彩运用在油画创作中具有非常重要的作用。本文主要阐明了色彩在油画创作过程中的重要性,指出油画创作过程中,色彩运用的几个原则,以期为油画创作的色彩运用提供借鉴。  关键词:油画创作;色彩;重要性;原则  油画主要是通过色彩进行形体塑造,作为油画的一个重要艺术语言,色彩是绘画的一种关键表现语言,色彩运用的合理与否在很大程度上决定着作品的价值。科学合理
摘要:在我国,荠菜之名起于唐孙思邈的《千金食治》,在此之前称为荠,它是最早返青的报春野菜。在日本,荠菜最早以“若菜”或“春菜”登场,后来被称为“春七菜”。荠菜以其翠绿、鲜嫩、味美深深扎根于民众,使中日文人墨客以诗词吟咏之不绝,这些诗歌或赞美春天美好、或陶醉田野风趣,或吟咏爱慕之情。  关键词:荠菜中日古典诗词  0引言  梅尧臣说:“状难写之景如在眼前,含不尽之意见于言外。”范晞文说:“景无情不发
摘要:我们常常在许多地方都接触到“人文主义”之类的词语,而现在教育教学中也强调以人为本。而我想这些“主义”、“概念”都很宽泛,在教育中则要落在细处,具体的教学实施中去。而作为美术教师,我想从美术的角度对“人文性”方面进行一些探讨。我也不想再美术理论的大海中找宽泛、模糊的词语来表达我对人文性方面的看法,我想从高中美术课本中一件文艺复兴时期的大师米开朗琪罗的《哀悼基督》的解读来表达我的看法。  关键词
摘要:在主题和思考意义相对浅显的戏剧风靡之后,《艺术》的亮相是令人振奋的。一部好的话剧,无论是悲剧还是喜剧,都应该有启发人们思考的能量,否则只会显得浅薄。《艺术》正是这样一部发人深省的戏剧,它不仅仅是话剧艺术的呈现,更引发了观众对于艺术与友情的深度思考。  关键词:艺术品;解构;友情;深层思考  《艺术》的故事是围绕一幅白画展开的。喜爱现代派艺术的外科医生塞尔吉花了20万法郎买来一幅白底子上有几条
摘要:艺术活动的最后一个环节,是艺术接受。而在艺术接受中,艺术趣味则是一个核心问题。本文将讨论艺术趣味与社会心理的互动关系,群体艺术趣味以及社会心理对群体趣味的作用等问题。  关键词:艺术接受;艺术趣味;群体艺术趣味;受众心理  0引言  艺术趣味不仅是关系到艺术接受的动力,且关系到艺术接受过程的审美效应,同时更关系到艺术接受的性质。换而言之,只有艺术兴趣才能够引导读者、观众进入到兴味盎然的艺术活
摘要:笔者由肖邦热的现象引起对纯技术倾向的思考,并对纯技术倾向在肖邦钢琴作品中的影响进行阐述。本文以肖邦《降B小调奏鸣曲》为例,从肖邦钢琴作品的风格特点、音乐表现力和思想内容三方面进行论述,并指出纯技术倾向在表现肖邦钢琴作品时的不当之处。  关键词:肖邦热;纯技术倾向;风格特点;音乐表现力;思想内容  在当今社会有着一股肖邦热,很多学者一股脑的去弹肖邦,热衷于参加各种肖邦比赛,并有很多人及其自豪地
摘要:“梦”作为意象和描述对象在梦窗词中频繁出现,这体现了梦窗对追忆的执着,“梦”也已成为仪式性的符号。根据心理学对梦的解析,正是对梦境的描绘与梦幻手法的运用造成梦窗词破碎凌乱的特点。  关键词:梦窗词;梦;追忆;破碎  王观堂先生在《人间词话》中说:“梦窗之词,吾得其词中一语评之,曰:‘映梦窗,凌乱碧’。”[1]此句自梦窗词中所摘,其中又含词人之号,似观堂先生不无戏谑的文字游戏。然而,看似随意撷