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  How often one hears child wishing they were grown-ups, and people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.
  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. What’s more, life is always giving new things to the child—things that have lost their interests for older people because they are too well known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is repeatedly told not to do something, or being punished for what he has done.
  When a young man starts to make his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of troubles and has good health, he can have the happiest of building up for himself his own position in society.
  1. According to Paragraph 2, the writer thinks that ____.
  A. life for a child is fairly easy
  B. a child is always loved whatever he does
  C. a child must do something in return for what he gets
  D. only children are interested in life
  2. The main idea of the passage is that_____.
   A. life is not enjoyable since each age has some pains
   B. young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard
   C. childhood is the most enjoyable time in one’s life
   D. one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life
  3. The paragraph following this passage will most probably discuss_____.
   A. example of successful young men
   B. how to fight against hunger
   C. what to do when one has problems in life
   D. joys and pains of old people
  River Cruise Experience 2005
  Prices for 2005

  Groups of 15 or more paying guests receive a 10% discount(折扣) on River Cruise Experience.
  Except weekends and during July and August.
  Opening times 2005

  The River Cruise Experience is closed on 25 December and for approximately 3-4 weeks every January for maintenance(维修). All dates are subject to change; please visit our website for the latest information.
  1. Two parents and a 10-year-old boy will take the river cruise, how much should
   they pay?
   A. £15. B. £20. C. £21. D. £25.
  2. In July and August, when does the first cruise start?
  A. 9:30 B. 10:30
  C. 10:45 D. 11:45.
  3. In which month is the River Cruise Experience closed?
   A. January B. April
   C. May D. September
  The whole family uses the bathroom─most often without taking care. How safe is your bathroom? If any of the following is true of yours, do something about it as soon as possible before tragedy(悲剧) strikes.
  Very hot water.
  The water in your tap should not be hotter than 55-60 degrees Centigrade. If it is, it can easily burn those who inadvertently land under it in the shower, having forgotten to open the cold tap as well. In any case, it’s expensive to keep the boiler close to boiling point all the time.
  Gas leaks(漏洞)
  Gas leaks are dangerous─whether in bathrooms or kitchens. If you smell gas, switch off everything and get out of the house as soon as possible─even if you only have a towel around your body.
  Slippery floor
  Imagine being in plaster of Paris for six weeks after breaking a leg slipping on a wet bathroom floor. Invest(购买价格高的有用之物) in a wooden or rubber bathroom mat or a non-slip bathroom floor. It is also an idea, especially if you have elderly relatives living with you, to have a non-slip rubber mat in the bath.
  Dirty towels
  Towels need to be washed regularly, as they are wonderful breeding(繁殖) grounds for bacteria(细菌). Infections(感染) can be passed on from one family member to another, if they use the same towel.
  Any electrical connections
  There should be no electrical connections or extension wires in the bathroom. Any contact between a live electrical connection and water can result in death. This is the reason why electric shavers have special connections. Be careful of electrical extension cords linked to washing machines or dryers.
  1. Plaster of Paris may be _____.
   A. used to treat the broken bones
   B. a kind of medicine to treat diseases
   C. hidden in the broken legs or arms
   D. a place in Paris which is very dangerous
  2. If a person smells the thick gas around when taking a bath, he should______ .
   A. turn on the electric fan to blow the gas out
   B. find out the leaking point and get it fixed
   C. put on clothes and come out to call for help
   D. leave the bath full of gas very quickly
  3. From the passage, we can infer that______.
   A. old people may easily slip on a wet floor
   B. rubber can clean wet bathrooms floor easily
   C. a towel may protect you from breathing in gas
   D. bacteria in towels come from the ground of bathroom
  4. In a bathroom, we’d better not_______ .
   A. equip electric wires
   B. use electric equipment
   C. hang our washing towels
   D. keep the floor wet all over
  5. The best title of this passage may be______ .
   A. Never Use Extension Wires
   B. How to Take a Bath Correctly
   C. Don’t Make Your Bathroom a Death Trap(陷井)
   D. How to Keep Away From Family Accidents
  We know that a little white lie is a false statement or lie that seems harmless. It is called white because the colour white is connected with innocence and purity(单纯和纯洁). A white lie can be forgiven because it is usually told to keep someone’s feelings from being hurt. For example, you may think your friend’s new haircut looks terrible, but when he or she asks you if you like it, you tell a little white lie. You say “I like it. It surely makes you look different.” That kind of lie, a little white lie, does two things. One is that it keeps your friend’s feelings from being hurt and the other is that it keeps him or her as a friend. But little white lies usually introduce darker ones.
  1. According to this passage, a little white lie is______ .
   A. a false statement which is as pure as gold
   B. a lie which is as innocent as a little child
   C. a lie whose colour is as white as a piece of paper
   D. a lie which does no harm to others
  2. You tell your friend a little white lie when_______ .
   A. your friend’s new haircut looks terrible and funny
   B. you want to do no harm to friendship between you and your friend
   C. your friend does not want to keep the friendship with you
   D. you want to play a joke on him or her or to make a fool of him or her
  3. From this passage we know that ______.
   A. the colour of a little white lie is always white
   B. a white lie will do harm to the friendship between you and your friend
   C. we should always tell a little white lie
   D. a little white lie can often lead to a worse one
  4. If there is no little white lie in our life,we________ .
   A. can keep a lot of friends around
   B. can not make any friend in the world
   C. all shall tell the truth instead of lies
   D. shall all be as innocent as little children
  1. A。文章第二段首句有交代。“Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult.”
  2. D。第一段尾句交代了文章主旨。“... the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.”
  3. D。文章先总述每个年龄阶段的人都有其欢乐与苦痛,然后说孩童时代,再说年轻时代,由此可推知接下来会说老年时代。
  1. D。由表1可知: 成人票价£10.00,5-15岁的孩子票价是£5.00,通过计算可得出答案。
  2. C。由表2可知: Cruises start at 10:45am during July and August,故可知答案。
  3. A。最后有说明 “... closed on 25 December and for approximately 3-4 weeks every January for maintenance.”
  1. 选A。词义猜测题。根据第四段“Imagine being in plaster of Paris for six weeks after breaking a leg slipping on a wet bathroom floor.”,可知:在潮湿的浴室地板是滑一跤摔折了腿之后包在这个东西里面要六个星期,应该是用来治疗骨折用的。故选A。
  2. 选D。细节事实认证题。根据第三段中的“ ... get out of the house as soon as possible ...”可知答案。
  3. 选A。判断推理题。由第四段中的“It is also an idea, especially if you have elderly relatives living with you, to have a non-slip rubber mat in the bath.”可知上了年纪的人更容易滑倒。
  4. 选B。事实细节认证题。根据最后一段中的“ ... Any contact between a live electrical connection and water can result in death.”可知答案。
  5. 选C。主旨大意题。本文一开始就告诫大家要注意防范事故悲剧的发生,接着向大家介绍浴室中要注意的几个事项,并提到可能会导致死亡,故选C,“不要让你的浴室成为死亡陷阱”,以示警告。其它几项都是片面的。
  本文解释了不含恶意的谎言之所以称为“a white lie”原因, 并指出了不含恶意的谎言的利弊。言外之意是,不含恶意的谎言有其积极作用但也不能滥讲。
  1. D。不含恶意的谎言的定义是,即使所说的不是事实, 但这种谎言不会伤害人,所以选D。
  2. B。短文中提到不含恶意的谎言有两个积极作用: 一是不伤害朋友的感情;二是能长久保持朋友间的友谊。由此可见B 为最佳。
  3. D。从文章最后两句可以看出,不含恶意的谎言有利也有弊。 有利点是不伤害朋友的感情而彼此可以长期做朋友; 不利点是通常会导致怀有恶意的谎言, 即文中的But little white lies usually introduce darker ones.注意文中的ones代替 lies ,而darker 与 white 相反,因此选D。
  4. B。设想一下,如果生活中没有不含恶意的谎言将会发生什么结果?从它的两个积极作用来看,选B最为恰当。
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