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为深入推进“两学一做”学习教育的开展,7月18日,中水珠江设计公司党委围绕“深入学习贯彻党章,带头尊崇党章、遵守党章、维护党章”专题开展了集中学习研讨。公司党委书记、董事长凌耀忠主持会议并结合“纪律教育学习月”活动的开展作了讲话,公司班子成员、副处级以上干部及支部书记共30余人参加。党章是党的根本大法,是全面从严治党的总依据和总遵循,也是全体党员言行的总规矩和总遵循,集中体现了党的性质和宗旨、党的理论和路线方针政策、党的重要主张,规定了党的重要制度和体制机制。会上,公司 In order to further promote the study and education of “one study, two studies and one education”, on July 18, the Central Party Committee of the Pearl River Design Company focused on the topic of “studying and implementing the party constitution in depth, adhering to the party constitution, observing the party constitution, and safeguarding the party constitution” Study and discussion. Secretary Ling Yaozhong, party secretary and chairman of the Company, presided over the meeting and made a speech in connection with the launching of “Discipline Education Month of Study”. More than 30 cadres and branch secretaries of the Company’s team, deputy director level and above attended the meeting. The party constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the general basis and the general principle of the party in strict and solemn terms. It is also the general rule and the general principle of all Party members and their deeds and actions. The party constitution and the party’s theory and guidelines and policies are concentrated in the party. The important proposition stipulated the important system and system of the party. At the meeting, the company
目的 :制备同时荷载紫杉醇(paclitaxel,PTX)和顺铂(cisplatin,DDP)的水凝胶药物体系PDMP[polyethylene glycol-polycaprolactone-polyethylene plycol(PECE)/DDP+methoxypoly
目的:本研究通过观察加味五苓汤治疗小儿轮状病毒性肠炎的临床疗效,旨在探索缩短病程,减轻病情严重程度,安全有效的中药制剂。   方法:将于2007年7月-2009年3月在云南省中医院