Philosopher Aristotle once said: “Beauty is more recommendable than a letter of introduction.” One of the hallmarks of modern women’s pursuit of health and beauty and breasts as the beauty of women. Plump and round breast, full of a sexy charm. The standard of breast beauty is that the position of the breast should be above the size of the chest between the third rib of the chest and the sixth rib and the nipple should be between the fourth rib and the fifth rib. Good breast development, breast and chest muscles to be rich in fat, the size of the pectoralis major to be developed, strong, soft and flexible; breast fullness, strong, smooth skin; nipple size, ruddy wheels, slightly brown after marriage red. Breast should not be too small or too large, the breast shape is usually divided into four types, namely hemispherical, disc type, conical type, sagging type to hemispherical the most beautiful, followed by the rest.