The Spy Next Door《邻家特工》精讲(中)

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  Bob: Nora. Please don’t wander off again.
  Nora:I’m sorry, Bob.
  Bob: Let’s go pay for your costume. (answer a
   call) Yo, it’s Ho. Just hold him till I get there.
  Ian: Can I just say before we begin that only in the current distressed condition of the
   American public school system, could I be deposited headfirst into a garbage can, and
   yet I’m the one who winds up receiving disciplinary action?
  Principal: Who exactly are you?
  Bob: I’m his mother’s…
  Ian: Neighbor.
  Bob: Neighbor. I’m watching them for a few days.
  Principal: Well, this is not the first time Ian has been in trouble. He gets in fights. He lies.
  Ian: Hey, I don’t lie.
  Principal: Selena Gomez. You told everyone you invited Selena Gomez to the spring dance.
  Ian: Her appearance fee was an obstacle.
  Principal: You said you spent New Year’s Eve at the Playboy Mansion.
  Ian: Hey, pay-per-view high-def. I felt like I was there.
  Bob: I’m telling you, lying is a dangerous game.
  Ian: Bob, you sell pens. What do you…Oh, no. That’s them.
  Bob: Who?
  Ian: The future felons who put me in the trash can.
  Boy: Hey, geek-boy, we got detention because of you. Yeah, because of you. You’re gonna
   pay for that.
  Bob: Gentlemen, we don’t want trouble.
  Boy: Who’s this? Your mom?
  Ian: You wish. He’s my bodyguard. I hired him. You’d better watch out.
  Boy: That’s true?
  Bob: No. He’s joking. I’m their babysitter.
  Boy: What are you gonna do?
  Bob: Ask you politely to allow us to pass.
  Ian: How humiliating. Why didn’t you do something?
  Bob: Why did you tell them I was your bodyguard?
  Ian: You’re right. I guess it was too big a stretch. Hey. How are you doing? I’m Ian. If I told
   you, you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
  Girl: Damn.
  Bob: At least you’re not shy.
  Ian: I wanted to talk to her in the worst way.
  Bob: Mission accomplished.
  Farren: Come here. You look so pretty.
  Bob: Farren, I didn’t know you did gymnastics.
  Farren: Why would you? You don’t know anything about me. You come over to hang out
   with Gillian, and you never even talk to us. Come on, let’s go.
  Ian: The woman’s got a point.
  <妙语佳句 活学活用>
  1. wander off: 徘徊,迷路。鲍勃在这里是对诺拉说“不要到处乱跑了。”
  2. headfirst:头向前地,这里是指伊恩被人头朝下扔进了垃圾桶。
  3. disciplinary action: 纪律处分。
  4. appearance fee:出场费。
  5. pay-per-view:按次计费的。网络上的点击计费就是pay-per-click,收看电视按频道收费就是pay-per-channel。
  6. high-def:high-definition的缩写,在这里指高清电视。
  7. felon:重罪犯。也可以指蛇头。
  8. bodyguard:保镖,护卫。
  9. too big a stretch:差得太远了。伊恩在这里的意思是鲍勃“和保镖的形象相差太大”。
  10. hold something against someone:因某人的行为而对其评价低。来看下面这段话:
  I don’t think Marty’s going to hold it against you, and I just hope Bill won’t hold this against us. 我认为马蒂不会因为这件事忌恨你,我只希望比尔不会因此而反对我们。
  11. hang out with someone: 和某人在一起。
  12. get a point: 有道理。也可以说成have a point。例如:
  I admit (that) you have a point. 我承认你有理。
  Ian:It doesn’t look like they have
   chicken tenders here.
  Bob: Wait inside. I have to make a call.
  Firefly: This is Firefly.
  Bob: This is Bob Ho. I need help.
  Larry: Yeah, so I get pretty good grades at this university. I’m top of the class. I don’t like to
   brag, but, you know.
  Farren: Bob, this is Larry.
  Larry: Pleased to meet you, sir.
  Bob: Let’s get some food.
  Farren: He goes to the university.
  Ian: He’s a poet. Isn’t it cool?
  Bob: It’s rad. It’s awesome. It’s jiggy for shizzy. It’s the bomb. Let’s go.
  Farren: Hey! How embarrassing.
  Ian: You know, most people don’t like me when they first meet me. But Larry did.
  Bob: I have two words for you, Larry. Thirteen.
  Nora: I have to go.
  Bob: All right, Nora. Come on. You two stay at the table. No, no, no. I can’t go in there.
  Nora: Boys are pigs.
  Bob: Careful.
  Larry: And the lion jumped on me, and I killed him with my bare hands, and I saved the
   colonel’s life.
  Farren: You’re brave.
  Larry: Thanks.
  Ian: How about this, Bob? The whole restaurant and the waitress sat Larry here. Isn’t it great? Farren: It’s like it’s fate or something.
  Larry: Really, sir, we’re just goofing around. Hey, Nora. Knock, knock.
  Nora: Who’s there?
  Larry: Irish stew.
  Nora: Irish stew who?
  Larry: Irish stew in the name of the law.
  Farren: Larry was telling me all about the university. It sounds great.
  Larry: I’d be glad to give you a tour sometime.
  Bob: When pigs fly.
  Farren: It’s not up to you. You’re not my dad.
  Bob: No, but I know that your mother hasn’t completely lost her mind.
  Farren: It’s just a tour, Bob. It’s not like he’s asking me out on a date or anything. Are you?
  Larry: No, it’s just a friendly offer.
  Farren: Even if it was a date, you still couldn’t stop me.
  Bob: What’s your major, Larry?
  Larry: English Lit.
  Bob: Would you pass the soy sauce?
  Larry: That way I get a background in the classics.
  Bob: You speak Russian, Larry?
  Farren: What’s going on?
  Larry: This is going to be painful.
  Bob: You’re right about that. Go, go, go. Maybe you’ll write a poem about this. Goodbye,
  Farren: Fine. He’s too old for me.
  Nora: Bob, I don’t want to be a princess anymore. I want to be a cyborg.
  <妙语佳句 活学活用>
  1. chicken tender:嫩鸡肉块,在此处指炸鸡店。
  2. firefly: 萤火虫,在此处是接线特工的代号。
  3. rad:非常棒的,精彩的。
  4. jiggy:美国俚语,活跃的,激动的。也可以表示“酷毙了”。
  5. shizzy: 用来形容很酷。例如:
  Dude, that car’s the shizzy.(老兄,这辆车太酷了。)
  6. thirteen: 十三点,骂人的话,说某人神经病,不正常。
  7. goof around:随便聊聊,消磨时光。也可以指把时间浪费在荒谬无聊的事情上。例如:
  I told him not to goof around. (我叫他不要游手好闲。)
  8. Irish stew: 土豆洋葱煮肉。
  9. when pigs fly:这绝不可能。除非太阳从西边出来。也可以说成是Pigs might fly.或There’s a pig flying by.。
  据辞源介绍,俚语Pigs might fly.或There’s a pig flying by.源于苏格兰谚语“Pigs fly in the air with their tails forward.”(字面意:猪在空中倒着飞;引申意:绝对不可能发生)。谚语认为:即使发生奇迹,猪飞了起来,但若让猪倒着飞,那肯定百分之一百实现不了。
  下次若朋友提出什么荒诞建议,您可以大手一挥朝向窗户,随声惊呼:“Look! There’s a pig flying by!”
  10. Lit: 文学,literature的缩写。例如:lit-crit就是指“文学批评”。
  11. soy sauce:酱油。
  12. cyborg:科幻故事中的电子人,半人半机器的生物。
  Charged GBH
  影片中,伊恩是GBH乐队的小粉丝,因此误把代号同为GBH的项目下载了下来,引来杀身之祸。下面就来看看Charged GBH乐队的介绍吧。
  Charged GBH是英国的一支街头朋克乐队,由主唱Collin Abrahall与吉他手Colin ‘Jock’ Blyth组建。作为英国硬核朋克的先锋,常与Discharge, Broken Bones, The Exploited和Varukers合作,并以“UK82”著称。
  Rancid的主唱兼吉他手Lars Frederiksen深受其影响,正如他听到“You Want It, You Got It”这首歌时所说,“当我听到 GBH,我作了一个决定,朋克摇滚乐是我的宗教。”
  GBH原始的定义为(grievous bodily harm,即“重度伤害”)。上世纪八十年代Charged GBH在英国和美国开始小范围的巡演,包括在英国盛名的100 Club。1982年,乐队第一张黑胶唱片City Baby Attacked By Rats发行,内容主要为抨击欧美的文化,暴力,病态,无神论,虚无主义,普遍的荒诞色彩(尤其在Passenger On The Menu突出的体现,描述了当时乌拉圭571空难幸存者的经历)。音乐吵闹,快速,大部分歌曲长度在3分钟之内,并在1983年更名为GBH。
  与那些同时代其他的乐队都投身于后朋克不同,GBH保持着一种原始纯正的UK82的音乐文化。尽管后期乐队加入了一些金属元素,尤其是1992年发行的Church of the Truly Warped,但这张专辑回到了最纯正的朋克之声。乐队至今一直活跃在欧美。尤其是美国和日本。
物理教学中,我们经常遇到这样一类问题:物体的运动情况改变了,将对应新的受力情况,而新的受力情况又将影响物体接下来的运动.暨运动到力、力到运动的相互制约和嵌套.正由于这样的关联和不断变化,给这里的学习带来了难点.再加上这时往往物体的运动很快,就很容易让学生感觉无从下手.遇到这样的问题,可以引导学生先慢下来,一点点的往下分析——准静态分析.具体可以从以下三方面着手.  1动一下,看一下;再接着动一下,
在高中物理学习中模型法是一种重要的思维方法,它可以帮助学生更好的理解物理过程的形成和变化特点,而习题模型又是训练学生思维方法的很重要的手段.高中力学中有一个很重要的模型,笔者称之为收尾速度模型,本文将对这个模型进行深入的探讨和剖析.  1什么是收尾速度模型  物理学中存在一些力,它的大小和速度大小有关时,当物体受到这样的力作用时,就可能经历变速直线运动,最终达到匀速运动的状态,即收尾速度.当物体达
1. They got much ____ from those new books.  A. ideasB. photosC. newsD. stories  2. I have two ____ and three bottles of ____ here.  A. orange; orangeB. oranges; orangesC. oranges; orangeD. orange; or
1. ____ milk is food. ____ milk in this cup has gone bad.  2. ——Do you like playing ____ football?   ——Yes. But I have only ____ basketball.  3. Do you know ____ girl on ____ another side of ____ lake
自制的器材具有成本低,取材方便,实验效果明显,操作简单等特点.它有利于培养学生的创新能力,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,是对规范实验器材的必要补充,弥补了常规仪器的不足.自制的器材若想达到以上目的,制作过程中需体现科学方法,在科学方法的指导下实验效果才会更明显,制作更加简洁,有事半功倍的效果.下面以自制温度计为例,体会科学方法在自制器材中起到的作用.  1明确 “被测量”  自制温度计的目的是测量物体
全面提高未来国民的基本科学素养,培养具有科学知识、科学思维方法、科学创新精神和科学实践能力的一代新人,是科学教育的重要使命.物理课改以来教师课改理念确实发生很大改变,但传统教育观念根深蒂固,在物理教学过程中,非智力因素对教学效果的影响也不容忽视,赏识教育在物理教学中起到了推波助澜的作用,它是学生自主学习物理,提高物理能力的动力,在培养学生创造性思维、发散性思维过程中起到了“加油站”的作用.  物理
纵观近些年的各地高考试题,运用函数图象进行实际物理问题的分析与表达依然是一个热点问题.物理问题图形化分析,呈数学之“形”,载物理之“质”,能够清晰、形象地呈现物理量之间的关系,化文字表征、符号表征为图形表征,充分展现了物理的学科魅力.图象法在高中物理中的应用很多,本文选择函数图象的斜率这一视角进行探讨,望能起到抛砖引玉之功效.  函数图象的斜率反映了直角坐标系中某点纵、横坐标代表的两个物理量的比值