山东省邹平县供销社工业企业目前已发展到11家,其中大型企业1家,中型企业3家,固定资产原值达2.8亿多元。1996年1~11月,该社完成工业总产值6.5亿元,实现利税1.19亿元,分别比1995年同期增长19.8%和38.8%,摘取了“全国供销社工业国家队”县社第一名的桂冠。他们是如何“摘冠”的呢? 加强技改 规模经营求效益 近年来,邹平县供销社投资1.8亿元,对企业进行了技
The industrial enterprises in the supply and marketing cooperatives in Zouping County, Shandong Province, have grown to 11 companies, including one large-scale enterprise and three medium-sized enterprises. The original value of fixed assets reached 280 million yuan. From January to November 1996, the company completed a total industrial output value of 650 million yuan, a profit and tax of 119 million yuan, an increase of 19.8% and 38.8% over the same period in 1995, and the first county company of the “national supply and marketing cooperative industry team” was selected. The crown of the name. How do they “take the crown?” Strengthen technical reforms Scale-up management for efficiency In recent years, the supply and marketing cooperatives in Zouping County invested 180 million yuan to perform technology for enterprises.