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在2002年工商峰会期间,龙永图、巴尔舍夫斯基,就中国正式加入WTO半年来,中国与世界经贸关系形势等热点问题回答了中外记者的提问。问题:商界关注美国钢铁关税保护和对农业补贴问题,恰在此时中国要兑现对WTO承诺,会有何影响? 龙永图:坦率地说,美国所采取的这种保护性措施是有不好影响的,对中国兑现WTO承诺有负面影响。对于像我这样的人再去说服别人:“我们都应该努力开放我们的贸易体系积极参加全球化,”就显得非常尴尬了,从心理上也有一些负面影响。但是我 During the Business Summit in 2002, Long Yongtu and Barshewski answered the questions of Chinese and foreign reporters on the hot issues such as the economic and trade relations between China and the world in the six months since China’s accession to the WTO. Question: The business community pays attention to the tariff protection and subsidies for agriculture in the United States. Just at this moment, will China have to fulfill its promise to the WTO? Long Yongtu: Frankly, this protective measure taken by the United States is not Good influence has a negative impact on China’s fulfillment of WTO commitments. It is awkward for people like me to persuade others: “We should all work hard to open our trading system and actively participate in globalization.” It also has some negative psychological effects. but I
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卡介苗(BCG)的副作用极少报道。作者认为这对今后BCG的接种很重要,故作此病例报告。 患儿,男,1岁4个月,1978年9月因右胸部一肿块而初诊。小儿为足月顺产,出生时体重3.
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Objective:To evaluate the antineoplastic activity of Eucalyptus extract(EUE) against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma(EAC)in Swiss albino mice.Methods:Preliminary exam