
来源 :现代兵器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellojie
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1970年,苏联发行了一本题为《进攻》的书。书中叙述了苏军的战术—战役原则,明确指出了空军和地面部队以及核武器在对北约国作战中的任务。书中谈到了坦克部队的进攻,以一日推进100公里的独立机动的坦克纵队,领先突击穿过宽阔前线,纵队之间保持很大的间隔,以免为北约国的核武器所摧毁,並用可防辐射的车辆快速通过放射性污染地带,扩大苏军使用核武器所形成的突破口,绕过由于核爆炸所造成的大洪水、大火和破坏区。所有其它一切都要服从于充分利用这种巨大战场的混乱状态保持进攻的速度。 In 1970, the Soviet Union issued a book entitled “Offensive”. The book describes the Soviet tactics - the principle of campaign, clearly pointed out that the Air Force and ground forces and nuclear weapons in NATO operations in the task. The book deals with the attack by the tank forces to promote a 100-kilometer independently-maneuvered tank column a day and lead the raids across the wide frontiers, maintaining a large separation between columns so as not to be destroyed by NATO’s nuclear weapons and to prevent them from being used Radiated vehicles rapidly passed radioactively contaminated areas and expanded the Soviet Union’s use of nuclear weapons as a breakthrough to bypass the floods, fires and destruction caused by the nuclear explosions. Everything else must be subordinated to keeping the attack pace at full advantage of the chaos of this vast battlefield.
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