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金秋送爽。9月23日,中共云南省委、云南省人大常委会、云南省人民政府联合召开座谈会,隆重纪念《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》颁布实施20周年。省委书记、省人大常委会主任白恩培,省委副书记王学仁,省委常委、秘书长杨应楠,省人大常委会副主任卢邦正,副省长程映萱,省政协副主席管国忠,省老领导和志强、尹俊,省人大常委会秘书长沈安波,省政协秘书长龙忠志等以及省民族工作领导小组成员单位的负责人出席会议。会议由省人大常务副主任牛绍尧主持。省委书记白恩培在会上作了题为《贯彻落实民族区域自治法,加快我省民族地区经济社会全面发展》的重要讲话。副省长程映萱、省民族事务委员会主任格桑顿珠、省人大民族委员会副主任委员杨润新及民族问题专家学者代表郭大烈也在会上先后发言。他们的讲话对于全省各级各部门进一步深入学习贯彻《民族区域自治法》,增强法制观念,增强民族团结意识,自觉地遵守和执行《民族区域自治法》具有重大的指导意义。 Send cool autumn. On September 23, the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee, Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee and Yunnan Provincial People’s Government jointly held a symposium solemnly commemorating the 20th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Ethnic Regional Autonomy.” Provincial Party Secretary Bai Enpei, Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, Wang Xueren, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Party Standing Committee and Secretary General Yang Yingnan, deputy director of Provincial People’s Congress Lupang Zheng, deputy governor Cheng Yingxuan, provincial CPPCC Vice Chairman Guan Guozhong, The leaders and Zhiqiang, Yin Jun, Secretary General of the Provincial People’s Congress Shen Anbo, Provincial Political Consultative Conference Secretary-General Long Zhongzhi and other members of the provincial ethnic leading group attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Niu Shaoyao, deputy director of the Provincial People’s Congress. At the meeting, Bai Enpei, secretary of the provincial party committee, made an important speech entitled “Implementing the Law on Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Minorities and Accelerating the All-round Economic and Social Development of Ethnic Regions in our Province”. Deputy Governor Cheng Yingxuan, Provincial Ethnic Affairs Commission Director Ge Sangdang Zhu, deputy director of Provincial People’s National Committee Yang Runxin and national issues experts and scholars on behalf of Guo Dali also spoke at the meeting. Their speech has great guiding significance for all departments at all levels in the province to further study and implement the “Law of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Minorities”, enhance the concept of legal system, raise awareness of national unity, and conscientiously observe and implement the “Law of Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities.”
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