
来源 :企业经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dannychan
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随着经济体制和政治体制改革的深入发展,企业思想政治工作的改革面临新的任务。其中,改革思想政治工作旧的管理体制,将企业党委领导下的思想政治工作纳入厂长的统一领导和指挥,变思想政治工作与经济工作的“双轨制”为一休化,这是彻底根治旧体制下长期形成的传统思想政治工作同经济工作相互脱节的有效措施。按照新形势的要求,尽快实现企业思想政治工作新旧格局的转换,已成为我们急待研究解决的一个重要课题。本文从企业的实际出发,对建立厂 With the in-depth development of economic system and political system reform, the reform of ideological and political work in enterprises is facing new tasks. Among them, reforming the old management system of ideological and political work, integrating the ideological and political work under the leadership of the enterprise party committee into the unified leadership and command of factory directors, and changing the “dual system” of ideological and political work and economic work into a recession is a complete cure for the old system Under the long-term formation of the traditional ideological and political work with economic work are out of touch with each other effective measures. In accordance with the requirements of the new situation, it has become an important issue that we urgently need to study and solve as soon as possible to achieve the transformation of the old pattern in the ideological and political work of enterprises. This article from the reality of enterprises, the establishment of factories
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