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采用聚苯乙烯(PS)纳米小球自组装技术结合激光退火方法制备了三种不同尺寸纳米银球阵列,研究不同尺寸纳米银球阵列对非晶掺氧氮化硅(a-SiN_x∶O)薄膜的光致发光的影响.首先,在p型硅衬底上铺有三种不同尺寸的聚苯乙烯(PS)纳米小球,再采用磁控溅射系统蒸镀银薄膜,然后用激光对该银薄膜进行处理.最后,采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)系统在样品表面生长非晶掺氧氮化硅薄膜.实验结果表明,相比于未引入纳米银球阵列的a-SiN_x∶O薄膜,引入170nm、220nm和300nm银球阵列的a-SiN_x∶O薄膜,其光致发光强度(PL)分别增强4.6、3.1和1.3倍.样品的原子力显微镜(AFM)图像显示,纳米银颗粒呈周期性排列且尺寸可控.荧光光谱分析表明,随着纳米银球阵列尺寸的增加,薄膜的发光峰位出现了红移.通过分光光度计UV-3600对a-SiN_x∶O薄膜的消光谱进行了测量计算.为了进一步研究不同尺寸纳米银球阵列对非晶掺氧氮化硅(a-SiN_x∶O)薄膜的光致发光的影响,对其消光谱和PL谱进行了对比分析.实验证实了a-SiN_x∶O薄膜光致发光的增强来自于金属银局域表面等离激元(LSP)与a-SiN_x∶O薄膜光发射之间的耦合. Three kinds of nanosilver arrays with different sizes were prepared by self-assembly of polystyrene (PS) nanospheres and laser annealing. The effects of nanosilver arrays with different sizes on the properties of a-SiN_x: Film photoluminescence.First, three different sizes of polystyrene (PS) nanospheres were deposited on a p-type silicon substrate, and then a silver thin film was deposited on the p-type silicon substrate by a magnetron sputtering system, Silver thin films.Finally, a thin film of amorphous silicon oxynitride was grown on the sample surface by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system.The experimental results show that compared with a-SiN_x: O (PL) of a-SiN_x: O films with silver ball arrays of 170nm, 220nm and 300nm, respectively, were enhanced by 4.6, 3.1 and 1.3 times, respectively.Anomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the samples showed that the nano- Periodic arrangement and size control.Fluorescence spectroscopy analysis showed that with the increase of the size of the nanosilver ball array, the red-shifted peak of the luminescent peak of the film appears red.Using spectrophotometer UV-3600 on the a-SiN_x:O film extinction spectrum The measurements were made. To further investigate the differences The effect of nano-silver ball arrays on the photoluminescence of a-SiN_x: O thin films was compared with that of the a-SiN_x:O thin films The enhancement of electroluminescence results from the coupling between metallic silver localized surface plasmon polaritons (LSPs) and a-SiN_x: O thin film light emission.
早在几年前一次全区校长论坛上,我曾提出学驾驶与有效课堂教学有互比性的话题,引起全场一片哗然,与会代表一片热议。  回忆自己学习驾驶的过程,真的有一种“众里寻他千百度,那人