New method for analysis of Chinese herbal complex prescription and its application

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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a great treasure of China, the analysis of which is an arduous task. The viewpoint that all chemical constituents of Chinese herbal complex prescription should be analyzed as a black box is elucidated for the first time. Intelligent multi-mode multi-column chromatographic system (IMMCC) with its hybrids is the basic method and HPLC Unified Method is the breakthrough for the black box analysis. Dang-Gui-Bu-Xue-Tang was selected as a typical TCM and a systematic separation method from non-aqueous mobile phase to pure water mobile phase was put forward in order to convert unknown sample to known sample. The a, c values and UV spectra of 66 components of Astragalus, 78 components of Angelica and 71 components of Dang-Gui-Bu-Xue-Tang were obtained. Intelligent optimization and peak identification method and software for complex samples were developed and the optimum multi-step multi-binary gradient curve of mobile phase for Astragalus was ascertained.The maximum error an The Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a great treasure of China, the analysis of which is an arduous task. The viewpoint that all chemical constituents of Chinese herbal complex prescription should be analyzed as a black box is elucidated for the first time. Intelligent multi- Mode multi-column chromatographic system (IMMCC) with its hybrids is the basic method and HPLC Unified Method is the breakthrough for the black box analysis. Dang-Gui-Bu-Xue-Tang was selected as a typical TCM and a systematic separation method from The non-aqueous mobile phase to pure water mobile phase was put forward in order to convert unknown sample to known sample. The a, c values ​​and UV spectra of 66 components of Astragalus, 78 components of Angelica and 71 components of Dang-Gui-Bu -Xue-Tang were obtained. Intelligent optimization and peak identification method and software for complex samples were developed and the optimum multi-step multi-binary gradient curve of mobile phase for Astragalus was ascertained.Th e maximum error an
一、单项选择题(共40题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有,个最符合题意),.在汉字发展史上,人们通常所说的古文字是指()以前的汉字。 A.隶书B.楷书 C.篆书D.行书2.汉字形体演变
大黄虫丸出自《金匮要略》,原方以主治五劳虚极,形体赢瘦,腹满不食,肌肤甲错,两目黯黑,后世医家多用于治疗虚劳而有瘀血,干结之证。1 用于月经至期不来1)经前、经期感寒、
牛肝 性味甘,平,能养血补肝,明目。用于治血虚萎黄,虚劳赢瘦。《圣惠方》载:“治青目积年不差,黄牛肝一具(细切、曝 Bovine liver is sweet, flat, can nourishing liver,