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  When we were kids our parents told us how to act, what to eat, even when to do our homework. But as we start taking charge of our own lives, many of us decide to make changes—stuff like eating right, being more environmentally conscious[有意识的], or doing better in a sport.
  If you’re like most people, the easy part is knowing what change you want to make. The challenge[挑战] is figuring out how to get there and sticking with it.
  That’s why we’ve created this “feature.” It helps make goals easier to reach by breaking them down into manageable[易办的] steps. After using these steps to develop and plan a goal, you can print out your own goal sheet to guide and inspire you. We also provide examples of how other people reached their goals—they did it, and we know you can too!
  What Do I Want?
  Start by setting a goal for yourself. Write down your goal into the space blow.
  I want…
  e.g. a part in the spring musical, to stop procrastinating[推迟], to make the basketball team, to do better in math…
  Is My Goal Specific?
  Specific goals (like “bring my math grade up to a B”) are easier to accomplish[完成] than vague[含糊的] goals (like “do better in math”). If you need to make your goal more specific, change it here:
  I want…
  Ashley’s goal is: To do better in math.
  Her goal is too vague. This specific goal is easier to shoot for[完成]:
  Bring my math grade up to a B.
  Specific goals work better because they say exactly what you’re trying to do, so it’s easier to make a plan and see your progress.
  Why Do I Want It?
  Write down some of the reasons (at least two) you want to do this.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  Some of the reasons I want to bring my math grade up to a “B” are:
  I know I can do better.
  I want to make the honor roll[光荣榜].
  I’ll feel smart and be proud of myself.
  If any of these reasons is to please[取悦] another person (e.g. “my boyfriend wants me to…”), your goal may be harder to reach. Set goals for yourself, not other people.
  How Will I Do It?
  Break your goal down into small steps. Start with a few simple tasks. These should be so easy to do that they become daily habits. List a few simple things (at least two) you can do every day to reach your goal.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  My plan:
  Start a math study group that meets weekly.
  Spend 20 minutes a day reviewing my notes and the math we did in class.
  Check in with my teacher weekly to review[复习] and ask questions.
  Don’t think of these things as tasks or chores[日常工作], think of them as your new habits. You want these activities to be easy to do so you get used to them and they become part of your regular routine.
  What Can Trip Me Up[绊倒]?
  When you set a goal, it can help to know specific things that might trip you up so they won’t catch you by surprise. List anything (at least two) that may trip you up or interfere[妨碍] with reaching your goal.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  Things that might trip me up:
  I’m afraid to ask for help.
  It can be hard to do this on my own with no one to quiz[提问或询问] me.
  Distraction[分心], like AIM注, my favorite TV programs, etc.
  Knowing in advance[预先] what can trip you up lets you plan ahead to avoid it. For example, if you want to eat healthy but there’s a lot of junk food[垃圾食品] at home, ask family members to keep it where you won’t keep seeing it.
  Who Can Help Me?
  Some goals mean you have to rely on[依靠] another person to reach them (such as a parent to buy certain foods or drive you places). Write down the name of someone who can help you reach your goal and what he or she can do.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  My teacher can help me come up with extra math problems to do and meet with me once a week.
  Dad can quiz me on the problems we did in class that day.
  Jenna and Carlos can help me start that study group and invite some of the people in class who are good at math.
  Make sure you discuss your goal with the people who can help you. And be sure to choose people who you know want you to succeed.
  When Will I Start?
  Write down the date to start your plan.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  This semester[学期] sucked[令人不愉快]. Next semester, I’m starting fresh. My plan begins on January 31st.
  Choosing a realistic start date and putting it in writing can help you commit[致力于] to your plan.
  What If I Feel Like Giving Up?
  Tick off[勾出] three things that you can say to yourself to cheer you on when willpower[意志力] is low.
  □ It’s tough, but I’m not giving up!
  □ I have what it takes to get to my goal.
  □ If I take it one step at a time I’ll get there.
  □ Slip-ups[错误] are part of learning. If I slip up[跌倒], I’ll get right back to my plan.
  □ I’m working hard at this, so I deserve to reach my goal.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  Slip-ups are part of learning. If I slip up, I’ll get right back to my plan.
  Think of what your best friend would say to encourage you—then be your own best friend and say it to yourself!
  What Else Can I Do?
  When willpower starts to slip, in addition to[加上] cheering yourself on, it can help to stay motivated[有动机的] by doing (or telling yourself) specific things that relate to your goal. Write down some things that can help you stay on track to reach your goal.
  e.g. (Ashley)
  If I feel like watching TV instead of doing my math problems, I’ll tell myself TV is my reward for when it’s done.
  Think back to the possible pitfalls[毛病,缺陷] you listed earlier—those things that might trip you up or prevent you from reaching your goal. It might help to include some ideas here to get past these roadblocks[障碍].
  Goal Sheet
  Congratulations[祝贺] on setting a goal and making plans to stick with it! Now it’s time to design your goal sheet.
  I have what it takes to get to my goal. Makin a Change—My Personal Plan It’s tough, but I’m not giving up!
  I will:
  Watch out for:
  Start date:
   Stay on track:
   If I take it one step at a time I’ll get there.
  You Are Finished!
  Print out your sheet and post it in a place you’ll see it every day, like on your bedroom mirror or inside your notebook.
  注:AmericanOnline(AOL) Instant Messenger的缩写,即美国在线即时通讯软件。
本文节选自J·K·罗琳在哈佛大学2008年毕业典礼上发表的演讲《失败的额外收益与想象力的重要性》(The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination)。由于篇幅较长,我们将分成两期进行连载,大家不要错过哦!    Looking back at the 21-year-old that I was at graduat
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聪明的巴特比被所有大学拒收了,面对父母的压力,他冒出了假借哈蒙学院的名义伪造录取通知书的念头。他原本打算和几个境遇相当的朋友一起逍遥快活,谁知假学校的网站吸引了无数被其他大学拒之门外的年轻人。几个“创始人”无奈之下只好一步步地摸索,让南哈蒙慢慢走出一条特殊的办学之道……  这部曾在CE: Teens 2006年9月号的“娱乐直播室”简单介绍过的校园喜剧给Wendy留下了很深的印象。时隔五年回头重温
“Life has its moments of truth.”生命中总有必须直面的时刻。亲人的离开固然让人痛彻心扉,但为了活着的人,即使自己再悲痛,生活再艰难,也要继续下去。稚嫩的孩子也许还无法体会父亲的艰辛,但所有的悲痛、付出、牺牲只需要一句简单的“I love you”就足矣。爱可以含蓄,但有时爱更需要说出来。    学习小提示:这篇文章难度很高,前面部分用了大量篇幅描写潜水捕鱼,语言非常生
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