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“装飾”的出版,象征着我国工艺美术領域中理論与实际、教学与生产、美术家与广大劳动生产者——艺人更密切結合的新阶段,象征着工艺美术界政治挂帅、思想解放、拔白旗、插紅旗的具体表現,同时,也象征着在鼓足干勁,力爭上游,多、快、好、省地建設社会主义总路线的光輝照耀下,工艺美术界的突飞猛进。随着全国工、农业及其他各方面的大跃进,第二个五年计划期間,工艺美术品的产值、产量,預計将有十倍、廿倍的發展,初步轮廓的規划,在政治与业务上,要求全国工艺美术工作者、生产劳动者,作到又紅又?⒓t透孖?在技艺質量上,只要有保护、提高、發展价值的傳統工艺,就要求超过历史水平;系統总結艺人們几千年来手摸眼看的經驗,以达到理论高度;根据需要,不断学習国际上先进的工艺技术,并不断的創造出适合国內外人民需 The publication of “Decoration” symbolizes the new stage of the combination of theory and practice, teaching and production, and artists and the broad masses of labor producers and artists in the field of arts and crafts in our country. It symbolizes the political and artistic liberation of the arts and crafts circles, The concrete manifestation of the white flag and the red flag also symbolizes the rapid development of the arts and crafts circles under the glorious shining of the energetic upper class and the efforts to build a general line of socialism in the upstream, in the better, faster and better. With the great leap forward in the country’s work, agriculture and other fields, the output and output of arts and crafts are expected to increase tenfold and twentyfold during the second Five-Year Plan period, with the initial outline of the plan. In politics and business On the quality of the arts, as long as the traditional craft of protection, improvement, development of value, it requires more than the historical level; systematic summary of the arts For thousands of years, people have got hands-on experience in order to reach the theoretical height. Based on their needs, they constantly learn advanced international technology and continue to create products suitable for people both at home and abroad
一、新港地区岸坡设计特点 (一)各土层的工程地质特性新港地区上部上层地质年代属第四纪全新世Q_4沉积粘性土层。层次分明,在-13米及-20米左右处界面明显。 1.±0~-13米为淤
[摘 要] 当前在高职院校英语专业阅读教学中存在着一些误区,其中对泛读课程的重视不够是比较突出的问题,很多教师注重精读教学,轻视泛读教学。本文从泛读的概念以及它在语言教学实践中的角色与作用入手,阐述了高职院校英语专业泛读教学实践中存在的问题,简要地对高职英语专业泛读的教学进行探析。  [关键词] 英语专业 泛读教学 作用 目标  英语泛读课程是高校英语专业开设的一门重要的语言实践课,是英语语言学习