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  1. drive sb. crazy/insane/mad/nuts 把人逼疯
  Literally: force sb. into a state of insanity or mental instability
  e.g. The months alone on a deserted island started driving me insane.
  Figuratively: annoy or irritate sb.
  e.g. This itchy little bug bite is driving me crazy!
  2. go bananas 发狂,发疯
  go mildly crazy
  e.g. When his pad went missing, I thought he was going to go bananas.

  3. go berserk 变得狂怒
  go completely crazy
  e.g. One day she just went berserk and strangled her cat.
  4. stark raving mad 彻底疯了
  totally insane; completely crazy; out of control (often an exaggeration)
  e.g. When she heard what happened at the office, she went stark raving mad.
  5. crazy/mad/nuts about sb./sth.; crazy for sb./sth. 对某人或某物极度狂热
  very fond of sb. or sth.
  e.g. Ann is crazy about John. And he’s crazy about her, too.
  6. in one’s right mind 神志清醒
  sane; rational and sensible (often used in the negative)
  e.g. That was a stupid thing to do. You’re not in your right mind.
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这是一本关于跑步的武侠小说。受伤的主角,来去如风的高手,隐秘避世的山中部落,众人皆知但求索无门的“秘籍”,以及,高手云集的惊世之战……这么些元素合起来,组成了一个字——跑!  作者克里斯托弗·麦克杜格尔(Christopher McDougall,1962-)是跑步爱好者,在脚伤被权威运动医学专家确诊恢复无望后,他偶然得知隐居的奔跑一族,于是穿越峡谷,找寻跑步真谛。书中讲述的正是作者的真实经历。 